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Jim’s Daily Rant. What Brokers, Status On Miki Klann, and Democide & Revolution, All Have In Common.

Jim Costa

Updated: Apr 28, 2024

Perhaps this should have started as a Dear Jim – What’s Your Story On Miki Klann Now?

I lived with a broker – my father. He was actually a businessman but like most business people at heart, they dare to venture occasionally into the world of a broker. They are usually the one with the business idea and seek out investors and experts to make it all happen. Others might say they are con artists but the truth in that depends on how each story ends.

If the idea never develops and the broker walks away with money anyway, they are a con man. But on the other hand, if the idea develops and they make money, or the idea doesn’t develop and the broker makes no money, they are a true broker. In other words, if they flinch and run with money only, they are judged as cons.

A true broker begins as a lying con man. They will go to investors and say they have the idea and the experts and just need investors. Once they get the investors, they go to the experts and say they have the idea and the investors on board, and now only need the experts. Only after all are on board and a general plan is prepared will all parties meet for the first time.


On 4/17/24: I published Jim’s Daily Rant. Miki Was Probably Tasked With Teaching Us The Paperwork That Has Been Served On The Government. In it I stated that after more vetting of their website, I concluded she didn’t have an action plan/timeline. This indicated the Military was way ahead of her and implementing their own plan.

Then on  4/22/24, I posted this article:  Former Miki Klann Insider Matthew Tucciarone...The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Served? Military Takeover? What Really Happened? [Must See]. In this 90 minute podcast, other independent actors attempting to serve the Maricopa County leaders that night too, felt Miki usurped their plans for that evening for her own purposes. I feel they were correct in what they factually presented.

I only watched 3/4ths of that podcast. They had every right to have bad feelings with her tactics. But I stopped listening because I knew they were missing the main point of Miki as well as their own efforts. Everyone wins by just having the guts to just show up.

Saturday morning I posted DEMOCIDE & REVOLUTION — MAJ. JEFFREY PRATHER.  Prather predicts something similar to a Civil War, except between clumps of states, not North and South.

My take on all of these articles is Miki Klann should be considered a hero; she did her job! She put the whole process on a bigger map, and left behind a fabulous training ground for all us little folks to train ourselves to fill future Juries and positions of county leaders or watchers of county leaders. We will all have the training in law and the problem so now we know how to insure the Deep State doesn’t return.

The above training also allows us to fire all local leaders so new ones voted in won’t blindly follow the Deep State blueprints left behind, such as a party whip demanding all follow his party orders.

I also believe the training will be gladly appreciated by the White Hats and Military so the Republics can be filled with knowledgeable caretakers.

If it weren't for brokers pushing that big wheel for the first rotation, win or lose, nothing might ever be attempted. Even if they fail, others watching may be inspired to pick up the motion and spin the wheel again. In this case, as the Deep State falls, more timid activists may get off the couch and begin working in their own county, no longer fearful of deadly resistance from the Deep State machine.

The thing in common is all three must fill newly opened positions quickly and expertly.


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