About Jim
Jim Costa is a former CPA, systems analyst and paralegal. He continued in night school another 15 years after getting his bachelor’s degree, studying all aspects of business. "I just couldn't understand how companies could work successfully, for all, forever. And now I know - they don't", he said. He left the workforce fifteen years ago to develop this concept as a gift to humanity, taking on the challenge laid down by Jack Reed’s first book to design such a Village to serve all.
Jim lives near Pensacola, Florida with his wife Betty.

In a nutshell, I woke up as an intuitive fifteen years ago and was shown the financial crash & reset coming and what was to follow it. I co-authored a book in 2007 about part of what I saw. That website.
This article will give you a deeper view of me and my involvement in this project. Article
About the photo: I am the son of a son of a sailor man who was forced to spend my entire career working in white boxes with an occasional window view to nothing. My two room home office is full of sailing crap nautical motif. One room actually has a deep blue ceiling. I will post pictures of the rest of the office later, then you can see for yourself that I am nuts!
And speaking of nuts, the shrink says it all goes back to my childhood, so it can't be my fault. My mother breast fed me through a straw, then in my school years wrapped my lunches in road maps, hoping I would take the hint. But I never did. As I said before, I am a slow learner. Then it certainly didn't help my ego much when I had to wear my siblings hand me down clothes to school. I had a younger brother and seven sisters. However, I was the only male freshman in high school that could unhook a bra with one hand. But that's just because I wore one until I realized that, as my wife continually confirms, I was never going to grow a set. Seriously though, I think I was an early Indigo child and if Ritalin was as old as I am, I would have certainly been on a double dose of it.