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Jim’s Daily Rant. Why Do We Get Warnings? Why Premonitions?

Jim Costa

Dangerous intersections have warning signs before going over the hill stating “Stop Sign Ahead”. We know why. Mothers get premonitions about their kids and we know why. Well, psychics also get premonitions.

Their premonitions are usually about others. Why would the Universe give them those signals, just so they can watch the event? No, it is to warn them to slow down and be cautious as something the may consider “good or bad” is about to appear in their lives. It’s a heads up.

A week ago an event occurred we call the 15th event that was forecasted by two psychic arena, Clif High and Dick Allgire’s remote readers group. Why did they publish their sightings?

Read my recap of their predictions, published on July 6th: Jim’s Daily Rant. What Clif High Said About The Shock Event Coming 7/15/24; A Restatement.  See if you can pick up on the warning element from both groups.

In case you missed it, they both had a version of Clif”s description of:

After the event there will be confusion as to what was really seen (its interpretation).

The confusion will be hotly debated through December.

How could this be a warning?


My final exam in Wills and Probate class had this question on it:

Pops was wealthy and remarried. I was an only child and so was my Step-Sister.

Pops will left everything to my stepmother if he died first. After that Junior got it all.

Step-Mom’s will left everything to her daughter.

Pops and Step-Mom both drowned on the Titanic.

Junior probated the will and was awarded it all.

Six months later Junior came to your firm for help as he discovered Step-Sis is going to contest Pop’s will.

Question: What should your firm do immediately to protect Junior?

My Answer was “Nothing”. Junior doesn’t have a legal problem, Step-Sis does.

Before she can sue, she has to have proof from someone reliable that Pops drowned first.

As this is impossible, Junior has no exposure. He can live happily thereafter.


Now back to the warning of the 15th.

In my Rant The Democratic Party Is No Longer A Formidable Entity, I showed you how the Assassination attempt on the 12th has destroyed the Democratic party, Deep State and Cabal.It put the scoreboard with Trump 1 and the Dems zero. All trump has to do now is lay low and let the clock run out of time, because the Dems cannot get a point on the board while dying.

Then in my Rant The God Given Right To Royalty; The Ending Of WWIII, I showed you how the planet is waking up to the con that the Elites have a god given right to assassinate us in many ways and the species will no longer tolerate that.

Both of these Rants is begging us all to not ignore the warning of falling into the trap of a prolonged heated dispute as to if Trump shot his own ear.

If we go there, the Cabal lives on.

If we don’t they are dead in the water, just like Step-Sis.

So why do we get warnings from the Universe? Could it be a gift so we can manage our lives a little better?

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