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Jim’s Daily Rant. The God Given Right To Royalty; The Ending Of WWIII.

Jim Costa

This will be a hard Rant for all of us. There is the Rant you expect me to write, which was what I was prepared to write yesterday. But then I had doubts; perhaps it’s time to jump way forward and just end WWIII once and for all. Let’s try the jump shot.

A long time ago, the churches cut a deal with the royalty. The churches, on behalf of god, gave the royalty their god given right to rule over men in their realms. They also allowed assassinations, in many forms, in order to rule over their fiefdoms of human ownership. In exchange, the churches were to be left alone by the royalty. This agreement has held for several thousand years with the exception of the Anglican Church of England.

But then man woke up and realized human ownership was a con by the Royalty and churches. Slowly the Royalty was replaced by governments, who for some reason (tradition?) left the churches alone.


I continue to assert that we as a species are evolving at this time. And one major step in our evolution is to know and understand that we are all one with god. That we are all connected; that no one of us has any right to lord over any others of us – we are all equals.


Saturday we witnessed an attempted assassination of Trump, and in that ordeal at least two persons supposedly died. I assume neither of them deliberately agreed to place their lives in danger. Of course I am assuming the 20 year old was maneuvered into his position, but I could be wrong.

I say “maneuvered” because our species still believes that we are separate from the ruling class, that being the Elites and politicians. They still have the right of “assassinations”, in some form, over us, thus we feel we also have the right to assassinate them to prove that they do not have such a right.

Sorry, I know that was a helluva mouthful above, but it is the source of our need to evolve now and leave all of this evil gamesmanship behind us.


Is it possible to win WWIII Quickly? I say “yes”.


Here is the CABAL’s problem today. They have giant killing machines to wipe us out. If I am right, they have however just lost the U. S. Military, which they have heavily depended on.

They also must stop Trump from leading the world in revolt. To do so they still need the democrats in power past November ‘24. But to stay in the race the CABAL cannot unleash their killing machines now or it will be blamed on the Democrats. Because if they unleash now that will only grow the power of Trump before the election.

But here’s the shocker. After Saturday’s attempt, if they do kill trump on the Nth attempt, it will gain the CABAL nothing. That is because Trump finished his job last Saturday. He has shown it is time we humans stop believing others can own us and assassinations are nonpunishable games of the royalty!

We no longer need Trump to lord over us and lead us. We need to evolve and understand all of this and lead ourselves vowing to never let a human own another human in any form of power.

We need to wake up and evolve in the same way we as a child stopped fearing the Boogeyman; we just realized it just ain’t so. The CABAL cannot bomb a concept out of humanity.

All of humanity needs to say “No More, no matter what you do.”

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