First let me share a religious conundrum I had in my life for 30 years. If Jesus was so powerful, why didn’t he pull himself down off his cross? Then I understood that it was because he couldn’t. We will get back to this later. ___________________________________________
Actually, in fact I don’t believe they “Think they have him.” They know they don’t and the blade will fall on them in time. We are seeing theater and they will end up with a “break a leg” if they get on the Guillotine backwards while onstage.
After reading the two pamphlets I mentioned earlier, it is crystal clear that they know Trump is a Sovereign and the Corporate Government has no jurisdiction over him. He can stop the charade anytime he wants. That is why 27 courts refused his cases stating he “had no standing “ in those courts. To me, that implies he was above those courts.
My original question was will Trump do it himself, on TV in the court? Or will he ask Miki Klann to do it by serving an Affidavit/Indictment to the court and have the TV viewers watch the Judge and prosecutors all run out of the building?
But then I remembered my Jesus problem. Oh he could save himself but he didn’t see it that way. I believe for him it was a teachable moment. He couldn’t save everyone on the planet in the moment of their needs. He wanted us to do it: Love thy neighbor. . . . If we all did that then we could prevent and clean up our own messes. We wouldn’t need him to continually come back and do it for us.
Trump could march out his Million Dollar a day lawyers to show their asses in court and set him free, but what about the rest of the country? No, he is waiting for County Assemblies to raise a local De Jure Grand Jury to walk in and serve the paperwork to the Court, while on TV, forcing them to either flee or return that court back to the Republic.
If this is televised, as it must be, that will embolden all 6,000 US counties to immediately assemble and do the same. This is the immediate way to take back our Republic and legal system. This part is on the citizens, not Trump or the Military leading the charge. The Military is waiting for orders from those De Jure Grand Juries.
This will shock the Sheeple awake as they realize the Corporate government and its Legal System was all illegal and a sham.
It is time for all the awakened to get off the couch and read these two free and short pamphlets below, and contact Miki Klann’s group, to volunteer to be a juror.
2 Free Pamphlets: is the time for Planetary heroes, extraordinaire, to save the Republic and the species!
P. S. Computers are designed to be rebooted if they go crazy. The boot takes them back before we fouled them up.
Corporations and Partnerships have bylaws that are usually just writings to be ignored. But when the principals get into a pissing contest, they reboot themselves by going back to their bylaws and following them until smooth running is achieved again.
Republics are new critters. The U.S. was only the second one on earth. It too has Bylaws, its Constitution. We have strayed from it. The only way we can hit the Reset button is for citizen De Jure Grand Juries to order it to be reset back to the Republic Constitution and Bill of Rights. Trump and the Military are not the ones to do that. We are.
Now is the time for Planetary heroes, extraordinaire, to save the Republic and the species!