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Jim’s Daily Rant. Pregnant Mary, Cold Harbor and Profitable Wars.

Jim Costa

In my recent Rant The Big Stupid, Part II, I told you about 20 year old Mary in Psychology class being hooked up to a lie detector machine as a demonstration. The needle went extreme when she was told the single word “pregnant”. We all could visually see her reaction to being loaded up with emotion and adrenaline as the professor pushed her button.

I realize we are now in the (current) age of transgender-ism, but I will freely admit I have never been a 20 year old girl, but I do have an imagination. Mother Nature must be screaming at them to produce offspring while at the same time Mother Culture is screaming “Mus’ant Touchit”. So only god knows what memory emotions, along with the emotional chemicals associated with those memories, were recalled by her body upon hearing that single word. All I can say with certainty is I am glad I didn’t try to get a date with her after class because she would have surely scratched my eyes out.

Thus we see how easy it is to have someone push our buttons and temporarily hijack our bodies and thoughts.


The U. S. Civil war drastically changed warfare on our planet, did you know that? Both were caused by battles in Virginia. The first was the first time two ironclad ships met in battle. Both were low profiled wooden ships covered by iron railroad rails. When the world realized that neither could sink the other, while the confederate ironclad quickly wasted several defenseless Union warships, all world navies became obsolete that day.

The second battle was at Cold Harbor when General Lee was being hounded by General Grant near the end of the war. Lee got there first and the Confederates dug a long line in the ground and laid horizontal tree trunks raised a few inches above the front of their ditches. This gave them 95% protection against the enemy bullets. Within a half hour about 6,000 Union troops perished as they stood and marched towards those tree trunks.

The world’s armies learned to never again fight a battle with two lines of armies facing each other in a standing position, 50 yards apart.


Are we about to see the planet grow up again and evolve by learning not to let others push our buttons, causing us to run into religious wars for revenge and god, all for the profit of the button pushers?

Stay tuned Folks, because next week we may get that answer.

Could this be what the god in the bible was so excited about regarding Israel, that his children would finally grow up and learn their lesson? Are we about to see a shocking regime change in Israel?

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