Before I begin let’s assume we are building a small cabin cruiser. We laid the keel with ribs, installed planking, water tightened it, built the cabin and have the engine functioning. We are ready to launch it. Upon launching there is only one place that matters now - the console. That place controls and steers that boat from now on.
The Peoples Operation Restoration Is Miki Klann’s group website. I am still navigating my way through it. I can say three things about it: It is complete, totally professional and has power behind it.
It offers free training, people support, PDFs of all major documents and even more training.
It is designed to take back all 6,000 counties, all states and the Federal Republic. Did I mention that they even teach you to remain out of the reach of their courts by first requiring they prove they have jurisdiction over you. Ain't that a kick?
But above above all, it is the blueprint to take control and steer our local communities, while keeping the cronies out. These are the trained grass roots needed to operate and command our newly installed Republics.
My hope is you will join in starting your own group. Little talent is required. First explore their site. Then start your own Private Member Association. It will keep you from being sued.
You only need 6 members to start. All work is done in secrecy. The forms are cut and paste. This is what the Military and Trump have been waiting for. They need us. Please join.
I will be spending time learning and moving forward. I will slow down on my postings, especially of posts that tell you what you already know. I will even have to slow down on the Trump trials. They are important because they are teaching the citizens that their courts are corporation courts and shams. Trump is just twisting them around his little finger until he is through with them.
See : Jim’s Daily Rant. Miki Klann explains in her own words how we can form local Private Member Associations and take our country back. [Recapped]