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Jim’s Daily Rant. Looking Backward on Collapsed Fiat Systems.

Jim Costa

After learning what I did in my Rant Death By Exponential Treasury Bond Repurchases, yesterday I realized I failed to learn one more thing about that death process.

Two years ago I researched the fiat money death process, commonly referred to as “Hyperinflation”.

On average, death occurred within six months. So from that research, once we determine when it begins we can predict the end of that currency (death). I even bragged about the timeline I learned in Part II of that Rant.

I realized yesterday afternoon that I was totally wrong. The 6 month rule only applies to history and we are now in a new age. This time the bastards on both sides of the global war are planning for the intentional death of all the fiat currencies at once. This is something new in history!

The controllers of the dying dollar are anticipating the death by an intentional Ponzi scheme using hundreds of trillion dollars at a time to force its death. This is new.

Therefore, using the exponential view, we could at all times be within a few weeks of total collapse of global faith in the Dollar, not six months.

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