I don't know why I decided to watch this short video (on The Sixth Sense). I'd already seen the movie 24 years ago, and I [thought] I knew how it ended. For over two decades I've had to accept the "fact" that the little boy had died. Duh!!! ;-) Rebecca2006.
Response: I’ll bet by nightfall you watch the movie all over again to see where you missed it, LOL.
Usually when I write I wake up with a thought and expand on it. But occasionally I don’t have a clue of where I am being lead, or leading myself, to. The past few days have had me floundering but I knew I was going somewhere.
I knew I was focusing on the fear, both from movies and our real life theater we are in now. But somehow I felt I was being pulled into the future with all of this. That is why I added the concept of On The Fly survival for those not familiar with it. We need to see how we are getting it wrong now and correct ourselves before we get pulled over the cliff.
This morning my wife asked my opinion on this local news article about a half $Million mistake made by our county. Please read it as I will post a detailed warning to you about what to expect in your near future. So do your homework now.
By the way, for you who will automatically believe the County’s Insurance company will absorb the loss you are wrong. The Insurance company will send the county a $500,000 check in a month, that is true. But the insurance company will increase the annual insurance bill another $167,000 per year for the next 3 years. They will also tack on a high interest rate for the short term loan!
So the bottom line is the county got screwed out of $600,000 through stupidity. Watch for this to happen everywhere around you soon.