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Jim’s Daily Rant. 24 Months or 3 Months of Food- Part II

Jim Costa

One of the things I learned that first night of class was this: When writing a math model, there are some things that you just can’t put to math, or shouldn’t try to put to math.

Joe was hired to write a program for the famous Big Shot to get a better feel if he sole- sourced to Company A or Company B to manufacture his name brand products. That was the scope of work and a price was set for a 6 month update forever.

Joe takes three months and is prepared to deliver the first installment – it is a wing dinger; truly refined.

Friday night Joe ran into Big Shot’s wife and learned she had reached her limit with his studding around. She brought in the most feared gun slinger of a divorce attorney and instructed him that she wanted all of the business they built together.

What must Joe do? Does he factor that into his model and never collect a future fee from anyone, or does he play stupid and deliver the unadulterated (pun) wing dinger?


Now realize this. Billion Dollar hedge fund managers can’t get sued if they make a bad call if they did what every body else does. It’s kinda like a maverick doctor will get sued for malpractice if he breaks from the crowd protocols and anything doesn’t work out as expected.

Martin Armstrong isn’t just selling his subscription financial forecast opinion. He is also selling insurance protection. Now you know why he never discusses Trump. He doesn’t want to piss in his own bowl of soup, in my opinion.

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