A good thing, one would think. However there are reports, including Alex Jones, that Soros is funding them. That's crazy because why would Soros, a zionist pro-Israel globalist, want to fund such protests?
Consider the possibility that the protests are part of a larger agenda for a communist take-over of America, commencing after our Nov. election. This would explain why Israel let down its guard and seemingly allowed Hamas to attack them on Oct 6 to kick this off. Also, why doesn't the Israeli killing of women and children stop? If there's a bigger agenda, then Israel will not stop killing and the Univ. protests will also not stop and all this will continue right up to our Nov 6 election. Also, if this is accurate, we'll also start to see the Univ. protests morph into more of a "death to America" sentiment.
Read Clif High's post this morning, which ties this together with some detail about what's to come:
This does seem possible and I appreciate the heads-up from Clif. Obviously this would be disruptive to supply chains, so might be smart to stock up on essentials. And realize that if & when communists come, you'll want a way to defend yourself.
Pete E.