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Jim Costa

Dear Jim: Any Insider Information On What Is About To Happen?

I received a phone call today from long time friends that asked me that very question. Out of love and respect for them, I answered that question the best I could. I told them what I have never written about before. I feel that now is perhaps the time to share it with all.

Allow me to recap Humanity Awakens, an article I wrote 11 years ago. It is a long explanation about waking up as an intuitive (the slang word for this is psychic). The article explains how I saw nightly dreams of being in a classroom alone and being shown the coming Collapse and Reset. I have discussed how I was shown how certain society sub-systems would collapse and be replaced. I saw the order they would collapse.

I have discussed many times this happening to the financial systems, including Wall Street, Central Banks, World Bank organizations, etc. I saw what replaces them.

I have discussed many times the collapse of the Medical Industrial complex and what would replace it. For the life of me I could not grasp what would cause its collapse but I knew it would be sudden. Well, of course we all know what that cause is now, don’t we?

There have been many other sub-systems that I was shown but have never deeply discussed as I felt it was pointless; just more information overload for most folks. One of those systems was the collapse of the colleges and High Schools. I saw them as following the medical system in that it would be sudden, perhaps over half a year. This is what I am going to discuss with you today.

Last week I posted Jim’s Daily Rant. Recap Of Clif High This Week. I hope you pay special to the recap of clif’s podcast on the school kids. Below is my recap of that podcast:

* He feels 30% of the “population” realizes we are in a global war for our life. Based on comments, he feels within a couple of months the Under 18 Crowd will be awake as well to about 60% (now or later?). This is due to Tik Tok. He suggests they will haunt their parents using logic to wake them up.

* This will occur from now through Oct, Nov. and up till January. These new aware families will prep immediately and arm themselves.

* The kids will want to discuss the war in school instead of Communism. The schools will

* If public schools have a massive drop in enrollment they loose their funding for that month. If a school looses a month or two of revenue they are bankrupt.

* The kids will see a couple of schools close and will then boycott their own school to close it. Administrators will loose control. Administrators will resign.

* If public schools have a massive drop in enrollment they loose their funding for that month. If a school looses a month or two of revenue they are bankrupt.

* The kids will see a couple of schools close and will then boycott their own school to close it.

As I told my friends today, my source is my source from 20 years ago and nothing I was shown by that source has changed.

Today I am reminded of what a fellow CPA once said to me. “When your income is less than your outgo, your upkeep will be your downfall.” The universities have gotten too big for their britches, especially since the advent of the government student loan program by the Banksters. They cannot be saved financially; they must fall because they won’t be able to react timely.

I also saw the public high school systems collapsing although I didn’t see the cause of it. In my mind I couldn't even speculate how or why. Then Clif posted the above podcast. He blew my mind when I heard it.

Clif is right in that the High Schools will topple most of our societal systems. This will probably occur in the first quarter of 2024. This all reminds me of the THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES, as told by Hans Christian Andersen in 1836.

It was a mere child that woke up that entire kingdom! And so it will be again.

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