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  • Jim Costa

Jim’s Rant For The Day. Factual Healthy John.

I just visited a member of our Chaos Fall Back Retreat group. I call him Healthy John because he is a health store supplement addict. He is age 50 with the body of a 25 year old.

He is a former Navy Independent Medic. Not being military I had to ask what that was. He said he would go ashore with the Marines and run their aid station including emergency surgery.

I had heard he was in the hospital for a week with Covid and off work for six weeks. His story was that he attended a reunion with his siblings. A sister was forced to get vaxed as she was a nurse. All the siblings there caught the Delta variant. John said his doctor told him that if he wasn’t so healthy he might have died.

Now his tale. He is most vigilant of his body. He also realized that the purpose of the Covid is to be a bio weapon and kill you. He was upset over the medications he was given and the shocking low level of Vitamin D now in his system. The doctor refused to prescribe the “D”. Out of frustration he had his wife make a pick-up at the health store. He hid the bottles and two days later left the hospital.

A week ago I posted the attached picture of a physician during the Black Plague trying to save his own life. This was the best he could do. I felt that today’s physicians are secretly doing the same with the cocktail of over the counter supplements they are taking. They aren’t stupid. I recently learned first hand that some medical practitioners that can legally give shots are partnering up to shoot saline solution and sign each other’s VAX Cards.

P. S. A month or so ago I published a list of what the doctors are advising their families to take. My notes left off the fact that the Zinc taken as a preventative should only be taken for a month. After that time drop it unless you are feeling like a sickness is coming on. I was told continued use depletes the body of other minerals.

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