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  • Jim Costa

Jim’s Daily Rant. Wrest Your Eyes.

We are close to game time so I suggest you wrest your eyes from the screen and give them a good rest.

I fully expect a SCOTUS positive action response by the 15th of December. That’s less than three weeks away. That positive ruling should allow the bankrupt US Government to simply go to Alphabet Heaven as we return to the Republic of the Unites States of America, circa 1871.

That positive ruling should also empty the White House of its residents and most of Congress.

Everything I am seeing is showing all is well and in motion to a successful discharge of our illegal government and return to our roots, the Republic.

I find I have very little interest in the headlines at this point. I would rather prepare for the backside and our recovery here in the U.S. and our economy. A great change is upon us now!

Stay tuned Folks!

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