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Jim’s Daily Rant. With Trump President Will Things Still be Chaotic? Tag Team Wrestling & the Last Chaos.

Jim Costa

As a child I remember watching wrestling matches on TV Saturday nights. It was all fake but to a kid it was real and fun. What really got the blood pumping was the Tag Team fights. The underdogs would be winning and suddenly there was a tag for a relief fighter to jump in. Then the fight was two to one before the first fighter left. It was both exciting and chaotic at the same time. It was chaos momentarily with no rules. This was especially true when the relief jumped in with a metal folding chair! Now that was cheaper excitement than your first date!

Our world has been in a giant Tag-Team match for several thousand years and it is ending this year. Our world game has been war and plundering, tag team style. Our Civilized world dressed up in fine clothes and Pomp and manners all while sending in the Tagged team of armies to plunder those less civilized. In the last hundred years our country really looked nice tn their Prom dress, didn’t we? But on Prom night GI's were forced to be animals in the jungle of Vietnam (both sides) for the Banksters.

This Tag-Team match of Civilized leaders with great armies match just ended. So will we still go through chaos now that Trump was elected? Yes. But it will be the last chaos.

With the US shutting down its borders and pulling its armies all over the world back home, Walmart, Home Depot and many other global giant organizations will collapse. Why? Because they had the military and State Department helping them plunder other economies as a tag team effort. When that tag team can no longer coerce foreign merchants, they will have no more stock-in-trade.

This reminds me of what I learned in Accounting School. “When your outgo is bigger than your income, your upkeep will be your downfall.” Without coercion their business models will fail.

All countries will lock down their borders and learn the word “Tariffs”. This then gives all the right at the big trading table to bid their countries output against all others, fairly. This will be like a tide rising and lifting all boats evenly. I recall one definition of a “bargain” in contract law. It is reached when both parties walk away from a contract thinking they took advantage of the other.

Now imagine all of that happening over three months. There will be bankruptcies galore, winners and losers, chaos in supply lines and . . . ..

Now imagine banks failing, governments failing, both in the US and the world.

Now imagine entire professions ending on a dime, like major parts of medicine, College Professorships in certain areas, major news outlets, Professional organizations and publications and . . . . .

Women & kids, do not plan on going grocery shopping unguarded for a month or two.

There will be a lot of people literally stressing themselves to death out there. Steer clear as you cannot help most of them.

I took a teenage Water Rescue First Aid class. The first thing I learned is be prepared as you approach the drowning as they will try to drown you to save themselves. This will be true here in the next year as well. Many people will drown because they can’t get their heads right in the new paradigm.

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