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Jim Costa

Jim's Daily Rant. What's all this I hear about Solicitor General stopping the Brunson Brothers Case?

S. G. Anon interviewed Lloyd Brunson yesterday in regards to the status of his lawsuit in the Supreme Court. See: Loy Brunson & SG Anon Urgent Emergency 1.10.25 – They Were all Executed at GITMO!   You might start at the 18 minute Mark if in a hurry.

This is my Cliff Note style answer. When the Supreme Court took the case, that meant that the district, I think 10, that he had filed in no longer has jurisdiction and was relieved of that right to manage that case.

Lloyd's next move then is to meet with a solicitor general to conference with him to make sure that the case comes off the shelf and now proceeds in the Supreme Court.

The current Solicitor General was appointed by Biden. And so therefore he is waiting for Trump to take office and appoint a new Solicitor General, in which case he will then call for the conference meeting and move the case forward.


This is how I see all of this playing out in my mind.

It's considered rudeness in playing chess to determine that you have no winning moves left and you fail to concede the game and just waste everybody's time by playing it out even though you know you've already lost.

We all can see that the lower courts, especially the federal courts, are compromised, been taken over and they're using lawfare to go after their enemies. Thus we have an illegal legal system currently.

Lloyd Brunson's case in front of the Supreme Court clearly points this out, that everything that the legal system is currently doing is in violation of the US Constitution, and it must end.

But we are currently still on the battlefield and just out of rudeness the other side realizes that once the Supreme Court hears this case their gig is up and all of the unlawful activities of the courts are going to have to be cleaned up. The game is over for the captured legal systems. But because of the fog of war nobody wants to be the one to concede and so the game will be continued to be played out until they have made their last move.

Shortly we will see a ruling on the Brunson case and that will all be over with and that will end the Lawfare game by both the courts and Congress.

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