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Jim’s Daily Rant. We're Gonna Have To Wait Until January 20th.

Jim Costa

I have finally resolved myself to that fact. I had to accept that as a fact because all serious new business events have to be put off in December until after New Years day.

I never dreamed that trump would wait that long. Although I am most disappointed, some good did come from my accepting that thought. First it confirms that the White Hats have everything under control and Donald Trump has all the time in the world to wait till January the 20th to take office so its legal and does not create a civil war, as it again shows to the nation that he has total control over what's going on now.

I have read that the hardest thing about men in battle is the boredom of waiting forever.

That's what's driving us all crazy right now. But thank God that we're not like the people in Ukraine lying in the streets and wondering if they're going to live another day. We're not suffering, we're just disgusted. We can afford to wait.

But my main concern has been for the process of re-inhabiting the republics.

My experience is that grass-root startups, of any kind, especially in raising the republics, is in danger if they don't get funding within six months. A grassroots project like this can't survive more than that because they're living off the volunteers' grocery money for the family.

In Florida we had to scrub one giant project to equip all Assembly members and Congress persons with laptops, because we couldn't proceed without seed money for it. We're just going to have to wait.

Re-inhabiting the republic's new drive started around the 1st of August of this year.

The end of January that would give it six months without any capitalization to operate off of.

But at least now I know that after January the 20th, the end of that six month period, we should be able to walk out into the sunlight because we know that Trump is now in charge. We should be expecting some type of an advance of monies to continue our journey of raising the republics.

So that in itself is a great relief.

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