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Jim’s Daily Rant. We Are About To Live The Poseidon Adventure In Real Life.

Jim Costa

How will we measure up in history? You remember that movie don’t you? Movie Trailer.

It’s about a luxury liner that was hit by a rogue wave flipping it upside down. A handful of people tried to climb to the bottom (now the top) hoping to be cut free where the hull is the thinnest.

Hopefully next week we will see signs that our corporate Governments will begin to flip over going from corporations back to Republics; back in time 150 years. In this case too, our current lowest levels, the individuals and the Counties will then be highest powers on the Organizational Chart. At the same time, the current highest power in the US, the Federal Government, will then return to be the least powerful player.

Will we each survive the turn-over? Will we be able to quickly take up our new leadership positions at the top of the Org. Chart, that being Sovereigns and Counties dictating to States and Federal governments and offspring organizations?

I do hope so because if we don’t immediately exercise our rights and take command we may never get another chance to get our MOJO back. This will be our only opportunity. We need to be ready to rule.

Stay Tuned Folks. . . .

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