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Jim Costa

Jim’s Daily Rant. Wade Spanks Fani’s Fani As He Pulls Out.

“Let the punishment fit the crime.”
―William Schwenck Gilbert, The Mikado.

Now all of us know after yesterday and today’s post by Jeff, and have watched Simon Parkes.

It is all over; just the mopping up now. But the Shit-Show must go on for the upcoming election, which really doesn’t matter anymore.

Now it’s time for the poet (Gilbert) to step in.

Fani has to go on with the show, knowing it is a big lie. Each day she must put on an air of confidence and professionalism as she goes into battle, knowing she will be left holding the bag. Acting the heroine each and every day knowing she has died inside, dreaming of the day she can escape the light of day. What a horrible way the have to leave the stage.

I feel sorry for her staff that still believes in the law. I bet a lot of them try to leave to keep their honor, pride and purpose in life.

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