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Jim’s Daily Rant. Trump, The Bankruptcy Man.

Jim Costa

I think I finally see what Trump’s Bankruptcy plan is regarding the Corporate US Federal Government – he is going to keep it.

The way I saw it he had two ways to deal with the problem of its Bankruptcy. The First Option is he could announce the Re-Inhabited Republics and then let the current de Facto Corporate Government die from lack of funds. At the same time he could start another Republic Government organization which could absorb/ Ratify current obligations of the dying Corporate government, like Social Security. All other old obligations would simply stop being paid. All of this could be done under National Emergency measures, so don’t say it can’t happen.

The Second option is to keep the government we physically recognize, announce that the corporate charter is revoked and is bankrupt, and then restore the Republic or Re-inhabit the Republic to run that physical government we see.

Then this Restored Republic can roll the Constitution forward (over a year perhaps) and at the same time clean up its Contracts, policies and overall business practices.

I now See Trump is doing the latter in that he is making all the right decisions to reorganize the government out of Bankruptcy. He is offering Federal Employees early retirements, halting all loan and Grant payments until they can be reviewed as good business. He is looking to downsize all departments that no longer serve the Country. He is reviewing all trade agreements, closing our borders, rebuilding our military, removing us from NATO and WHO. Folks, these are all signs of a bankruptcy reorganization.


In this Rant a few weeks ago, Jim’s Daily Rant. Freezing The Hell Outta Civil War.

Jim Costa Dec 29, 2024

When I rejoined the Florida Republic back in August of 2024, I had one burning question on my mind. “Would we be going back to pre-civil war constitutions in the states and the federal? Or will we take the constitutions as they all are today?” I knew that the corporation governments would all collapse. That still leaves it up in the air as to which constitution we would work with. Today I still do not know which Constitution we will abide by. No matter what, work will have to be done on Constitutions.

But with Trump planning to be inaugurated on the 21st, it's telling me he's going to slide into position to take over the current corporate government or what's left of it as it goes bankrupt, which means he's actually just taking control over the Constitution.

As I wrote in a recent rant it appears that about a year ago Trump signed documentation That we were going back to the republic Constitution and that has already been placed in action if I understand it correctly.

If I'm reading the tea leaves correctly, Trump will be sworn in and then shortly thereafter announce that we are letting the corporate government die by the street side with no funding and not in any particular need to care for it because we're under the Republic and we're now running the new government under the Republic Constitution. This will not come as quite a surprise to people supporting Trump as well as the people that were opposed to Trump. It will be total chaos. People will not know how to react or what to think.


It’s all still confusing.

I think that Trump is now salvaging the current government and will be pulling it under the Republic Constitution once again.This may mean we will be be re-electing current Congress persons in both the Federal and state Congresses as well as new replacements. This will probably take place in 4 to 6 months. They will then take new oaths to the Republic Constitution.

In regards to the County Assemblies, they are more important than the Congress persons. That is because the Assemblies will be controlling and guiding those persons. Therefore, we need to focus on training all interested persons for participating in all of our county assemblies.We ned to keep adding learning aids to the website.

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