When I was in night school studying the Paralegal system I became friends with a local attorney teaching. We remained friends after I finished the program. I used Greg for a few projects I worked on for companies I worked for. Greg was an odd duck, withdrawn and insecure with people, but I highly respected him. To me he was brilliant.
As a side story here, it was Greg that approached me to join the Masons he had joined two years earlier. He said his business really blossomed after he got in. The thought of someone controlling me was abhorrent to me, Greg frightened me and we lost touch with each other. He passed away about 7 years ago, so I can speak freely here.
When I was trying to restore the Florida Republic a dozen years ago, I studied our history diligently to see where our country turned on the people. I knew the courts were corporations. But what I wanted to know was what do attorneys know? I always wanted to just come out and ask Greg, but never did. I guess I didn’t really want to hear it. Where did it all start?
I am now studying the entire website of Republic For The United States Of America.
Our country went South when the Civil War started and Congress never adjourned and never had a quorum thereafter, so it ran itself as a corporation. I knew all that but the past week I found out what Greg would have told me that he knew that I didn’t know.
Downes v Bidwell (1901) SCOTUS The Federal Government can enforce laws that are unconstitutional.
Federal Reserve Act (1913) Gave money control over to outsiders (foreigners).
Emergency Banking Relief Act (1933) Gave Dictatorial Powers; Emergency power;Superseded the Constitution.
Executive Order 6102 (1933) Made it a Felony to discharge debts with money (gold & silver).
It is my personal opinion that because the government is being run as a corporation, there is no limit as to Executive Orders. When the Supreme Court makes rulings based on the Constitution, they are risking their necks but must do so occasionally to continue the reuse that we still abide by the Constitution.
I hope to be vetted and operational in my new post with the Florida Restored Republic in two weeks. I will probably be working in a vacuum to restore the judicial Branch of the government. This will entail bringing us back to Common Law, possibly closing down several areas of current law, such as Administrative law, Divorce law, Tax Court, etc. I don’t think anyone knows where this will end up.
One of the problems I see is the courts are separate corporations that probably own their buildings. That begs the question of where the new circuit courts will meet?
All of this reminds me of a poster I once saw of a cowboy looking dejected saying “My first day on the job and the boss says I am already two months behind.”
They have been served notice it is ending.; they know.
On April 20, 2012, The Corporate U.S. Government was served (all Branches) notice that the lawful (De Jure”) Republic has been reconstituted with interim officers and are now running parallel with corporate governments.
The above Declaration of Sovereign Intent states that the DE Jure governments will remain inactive until the corporate governments collapse.
The above Declaration of Sovereign Intent was served to all Federal, State and county corporation governments.
Important work, that is, Jim. I am a member of Tactical Civics, which is similar to Republic of the U.S. of A. If there is an election (I think there will be) and Trump is elected (I think he will be), R of the USA, Tactical Civics, and other similar groups will be busy, either because they feel empowered by Trump's win and actions or because they feel enraged because of Trump's win and lack of actions. 2025 will be a very interesting and make or break year, it seems to me.