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Jim’s Daily Rant. The Wold’s Greatest Pick-Up Line.

Jim Costa

Since I was married 40 years ago I took up a hobby I could afford – searching for the best pick-up line. I hated being single and was terrified of girls. I grew up with seven sisters and was early hen-pecked.

After my firs marriage ended 15 years later, I was single again and not wanting to get back on that horse. Then I was tricked into meeting my second wife. She salvaged me from the trash pile and saved me.

Anyway, I always told her I was searching for good pick-up lines in the event she threw me away too. After all those years I thought I had it. “My trust fund matures in 6 months and then I get it all.”

Then out of the blue it was destroyed. Yesterday I was working a Voting Station. A 70 year old couple were leaving and met a 70 year old friend of theirs coming in. The men shook hands and chatted a few seconds and the single man went for the Gusto. He suddenly turned to her, offered his hand and said “You must be his Grand-Daughter.” That dirty dog!!

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