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Jim’s Daily Rant. The Boner and Trump's Loss of His Corporation.

Jim Costa

I was in Criminal Constitutional Questions class when this happened. We covered two cases dealing with unallowable evidence. The first was dealing with how many bloody photographs of the dead body can be shown to the jury before the judge steps in and ends it. The second case was a doozy heard before DNA testing was available.

The defendant was charged with raping an 18 year old girl. The hospital examination noted sperm present and usual redness after intercourse. The defendant's wife testified that he was well endowed and after six years of marriage, she still sometimes bleeds afterward. Then his girlfriend said she had the same problem afterward. Therefore, if he forced himself on the victim it would have traumatized her body.

The Judge refused to allow the photograph of the defendant aroused. He declined a delay for a plaster cast. When the attorney asked if his defendant could just show it directly to the jury the attorney was jailed for Contempt of Court.

We argued the case with the professor, a full time county judge, who argued both sides of it. During the break I saw him in the hall and said I was confused as to what side he was really on and just asked if he would have allowed the evidence. I was shocked when he said “No way, not in my court!” My thought was to a possible innocent man in jail for many years.

Then he continued by explaining that he liked his job too much to lose it. He said that if he allowed it the other Judges would have had him fired by the end of the week.


Today in the pod-cast by Mark Dice, he tells of the Manhattan judge pulling Trump’s corporate license by forcing the corporate closure and liquidation of its assets and charging Trump a $250 Million fine for fraud. According to Dice, all of this was without a court hearing, without a chance of Trump defending himself and his corporation. If Dice is correct all the above is unlawful and that Judge should have had his Judgeship Bond pulled for clearly operating outside of the law. Without that bond he could no longer be a judge. No sane judge would risk this.

If Dice is correct, it reinforces my belief that what we are seeing is theater with the puppet strings being pulled by the White Hats to awaken the country to alarm.



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