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Jim’s Daily Rant. Sumptins Up.

Jim Costa

Two news stories Out/Not Out today:

1) X22 failed to publish last night.

In the event that you were not able to read the X post yesterday evening. It is posted below. ________________________________________

 It has begun... [Biden] is dead now!


:REPRISAL ( REVENGE) >Nessun Dorma]; Military operations killing the deep state actors. >>> RUSSIA. EU. U.S. Military Special Forces Operators are going after the GLOBAL ELITES after the assassination attempt ( yes the white hats staged a powerful event but many real CIA. FBI. [ DS] special forces were at the scene .. And they were in total confusion during the assassination event .. NOBODY KNEW WHO THE REAL ACTORS WERE AND WHO BLACKSHATS WEREAND WHO WHITE HATS WERE AND GRAYHATS WERE>>>> There was total MASS confusion among the deep state actors during the assassination plot and channels were mixed and a huge Stand down was paced 30 minutes before hand by the Deep state as they feared they were going to be arrested and Military intelligence intercepted all communications////...... IN THIS MOMENT WHITE HATS OPERATIONS TO OVER./>>>>>>>>>> >>>MILITARY GAME THEORY OPERATIONS<<<<<<<<<_THE WHITE HATS STAGED EVENT TOOK PLACE RIGHT BEFORE THE VERY EYES OF THE DEEP STATE CIA FBI. DS MILITARY CONTRACTORS IN ATTENDANCE<<<<<( do you really think now reported by several sources and agencies that there were 2 shooters..,>AND THEY BOTH MISSED??? . ..... Do you really think the CIA FBI. WORLD GLOBALIST ELITES depending their trillion dollar industry would miss killing Trump with 2 shooters that all missed their target Trump?........./// how did 2 shooters miss Trump? Even though they were given 26 minutes to execute the execution with no interference?...... They TRUTH they watched for 2 hours< .)

Here is the REAL TRUTH,..I have been telling you for a long time. Trump was placed by the military white hats alliance in 2016 . The White hats stole the election in 2016 with military intelligence and rigged the numbers and hacked all the systems 45 minutes before the election ended.. That's why Hillary Clinton was in shock, she was guaranteed to win but didn't expect white hats to swing a whole election in 45 minutes. ( for over 50 years the U.S. elections have been rigged by the deep state operations.... For the first time in history the white hats rigged the election..This was GAME THEORY OPERATIONS. BEAT THEM AT THEIR OWN GAME)

_After Trump was elected, he immediately signed y Highly Classified Operations and Gave FULL POWER TO THE MILITARY TO CARRY OUT> THE STORM OPERATIONS<and several other operations pertaining toContinuity of Government. DEVOLUTION PLAN. /BLACKOUT OPERATIONS.>In the winter of 2016 U.S. military forces carried GLOBAL operations and seized hundreds of trillions dollars in gold through Vatican and Switzerland (at the same time China captured most of the Gold Depot stations operations bunkers by the deep state that was working with the CIA and GLOBALIST., at the same moment Russian was finishing a ten year military operations capturing CIA operations in Russia)

That's why the Carnegie endorsement CIA operations ( GLOBAList with Rockefellers, Rothschilds WEF ECT ED ETC ETC and deep dark opetations initiated the Plandemic operations > VIRUS. VACCINES. LOCKDOWNS . WAR WITH RUSSIA . NUCLEAR EVENTS ) < [ THEY] are trying desperately to Rob the world of money for world money laundering operations as they were going broke and used the plandemic to seize hundreds of billions through the world.

In 2020 the white hats Military operations gave the election to Joe Biden [ deep state]this was the biggest MILITARY STING OPERATION IN THE WORLD<( The real Joe Biden was flipped back in 201819 and forced to play a part by the white hats. In 2020 the REAL BIDEN ESCAPED to under ground bunkers. Since then several fake Bidens in advanced CIA technology MASKS have been playing his part... the real Biden has been hiding in several underground bunkers near five fingers lake > that's why his son has a tattoo of the lakes and adrenochrome operations take place there and under ground tunnels reach from there to Colorado to California to Mexico...)


>The 2020 election was given to the deep state these were GAME THEORY MILITARY OPERATIONS>> they knew the Deer State would Collapse the economy and create a chaos event and ripple effect through the world and the plandemic would cause a MASS GREAT AWAKENING MOVEMENT> The Military Game Theory operations would lead to EXPOSURE of the deep state controlling wars. Creating death vaccines. Creation of the virus, world money laundering operations, human trafficking operations..... The white hats Military Alliance operations STING was tracing tracking all the deep state operations through the World and collecting all the evidence, data and full information on All deep state operations and industries.______

NOW with the REAL information gathered behind the scenes and military intelligence operations acquiring all The REAL evidence during the NATO GLOBALIST event in DC before the TRUMP Assassination attempt event confirmed a military COUP on Trump through assassination ( the CIA. Obama GLOBALIST NATO and UN leaders all helped planned the trump assassination).>>

The White hats using GAME THEORY MILITARY OPERATIONS STAGED A DOUBLETRUMP ASSASSINATION EVENT(2 hours before hand at the Trump Rally several FBI. CIA and military contractors were arrested and Mass confusion set in among the deep state actors at the event and radio and their intelligence scrambled ...30 minutes before hand the deep state cancelled their operation to assassinate Trump ... As the fake shooter ( real shooter was already dead) was crawling the building the white hats also captured the second real shooter on top of the water tower and traded a white hats sniper with him with fake rounds)...................._>

NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHY 2 DIFFERENT SHOOTERS MISSED THEIR MARK !!!!!!_do you really think the deep state would miss there mark with 2 different shooters placed? ... And they were given 26 minutes with no interruption?

Why wasn't there no video shown from the stages behind Trump? Over A hundred people behind him that saw the bullet hit the ear ( as suggested) .. Several of them were filming the event.. What happen to their videos? Why didn't they go viral? ...

Why didn't MSM media who had cameras on both sides of Trump Release the Shooting of Trump's ear? ....... How many people actually behind Trump filmed the shooting , including MSM and military, secret service operators who have hidden cameras saw from the angle of the side and behind Trump who could see his ear in full view and filmed the shooting? Why didn't these videos go viral? Immediately? ..... Where are they?( Why is it only now a week later intelligence is doctoring a video to show what the people behind Trump in the stands saw ?)

Why did the World Wide IT outage immediately happen after the assassination event?_did Microsoft wipe windows. iPhones and Android apps connected to Microsoft apps and servers that contained the real shootimg event and wiped the world wide uploads of the videos from the view behind TRUMP filmed by People in the stand>>>>>How did Microsoft immediately try to secure all the videos and dig into people's phones to get the videos and use IT shortages to erase, wipe the world Internet data that had the videos uploaded?>_you are highly unaware that Microsoft is digitally erasing people from videos and installing other people for several world events and occasions and deep state operations ( white hats are also doing this).The CrowdStrike IT outage is connected to several operations including beta tests for the coming blackouts. Microsoft is testing several advanced A.i operations through the IT outage... Including shutting down the Internet > Internet [KILLSWITCH] OPERATIONS../////

[ THEY] are also trying to kill the USSF / STARLINK Grid operations through the IT outage using Quantum super computers, TRACKING military USSFops in the Internet<<<<<


_____NOW that the Military operation has captured real CIA.FBI. [ DS] military contract Operators at the Trump Assassination attempt and rally. .. And just days before the NATO gathering and GLOBALIST planned the assassination attempt and Green lit the ops.... The White Hats Military Alliance have initiated counter Operations ;> REPRISAL

This is why Trump played the music Luciano Pavarotti >NESSUN DORMA at the RNC after the assassination attempt.

This song is important and is connected to Military COMMS;>As you know by now the world military intelligence agencies all tracked Q intelligence drops >>>>

Q mentions THE SUM OF ALL FEARS( In this movie the President of the United States escapes an assassination attempt .The world deep state in the movie all try to create a world war between Russia and the United States. And a NEAR NUCLEAR WAR EVENT happens....... At the end of the movie the President of the United States and President of Russia become allies again and both go after the deep state and kill them through covert military operations through the world.... As the military operations kill the deep state the song NESSUN DORMA by Luciano Pavarotti is playing.)

> _NOW do you think this is just all coincidence that Trump played this song immediately after his assassination attempt ? >>>THE REAL TRUTH TRUMP WAS GIVING MILITARY COMMS; and the world deep state intelligence was watching and recognized the song and the significance behind of the meaning.


... And the real Joe Biden has recently been captured by military operations in the five fingers lake D.U.M.B.s and has been killed.( These COMMS; are now hitting several different places and outlets... Now the Bidens and deep state are planning to announce Bidens death from sickness/ or assassination and staging the event..... Just like i told you three months before Queen Elizabeths death. I said they are planning to reveal her death and preparing the event - she was actually dead years before and this part of the reason Kate Middleton was poisoned with cancer.. She was threatening to expose the truth of the queens death and truth of Diana and sex ring in the UK )

How do think i knew 3 months before hand Queen Elizabeths death was going to be revealed and was in the planning stages?How do you think i knew King Charles was sick before anyone reported and do you think i know he is going to die in 2025?

How do you think i knew Trump assassination was coming and giving you COMMS years before and then immediately weeks before gave you the DROP it was time.... And how you think i knew Trump was going to survive the assassination attempt?

Do you really think 2 Shooters at the Trump rally all missed?Was this really the hand of God. Or Military operations to set the Deep State?( Is was both in one)


HOW?>A Military COUP happening since 2016 is going to be exposed and the real compliance and deep state operations in the assassination attempt ( + the set up - STAGED assassiation) is going to insure Congressional hearings. Senate hearings. Several private investigation and indictments that will lead to several agencies and the governments.BEHIND THE SCENES>]; Military operations are insuring U.S. citizens Will Give full power to activate >>>>>Article 2 section 1 claus 2 Authority which gives their State Legislators and state representatives Power to vote in the President of the United States(>Republican party has 274 majority electoral votes which would confirm Trump as President)

☝️ This will all happen after more major events WILL shake up the world and U.S. geopolitical system...... INSIDE A MASSIVE COLLAPSE> EVENTS > EVENTS EVENT EVENTS EVENTS.._LAWS OF WAR. 11.3 MILITARY OPERATIONS AND PROTOCOLS



BUCKLE UP BUTTER CUPSyou have more than you know

( By the way.. The hand of God is on the shoulders of us all and the Great Awakening...... The hand of God is guiding the path to a Powerful Golden Era Event under 47....... Remember Trump told you a one year celebration from 2025-26 WILL happen > COMMS;


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>]; INSIDE JOB (X2) Mirroring -Operations[DOUBLE INSIDE OPERATIONS]>] DOUBLE INSIDE OPERATIONS [_The deep state creates an EVENT and White hats Military Operations mimic the EVENT with different outcomes benefitting White hats in military assessment, Warfare, psychological warfare and gaming operations.

MILITARY GAME THEORY OPERATIONS>]; Military defence applications, Game theory is often a needed to model and predict the actions of hostile actors, and players who try to evade or out-smart each other. Modelling how the actions of competitive players shape the decision making of each other is the forte of game theory._Game Theory in defence settings are concerned with Command and CONTROL WARFARE, and can be further classified into papers dealing with (i) Resource Allocation Warfare (ii) Information Warfare (iii) Weapons Control Warfare, and (iv) Adversary Monitoring WarfareMilitary Game Theory Operations are often CLASSIFIED OPERATIONS that use non-cooperative or cooperative games, simultaneous or sequential games, discrete or continuous games, and non-zero-sum or zero-sum games.____

I had told years, months and>especially weeks before that Trump assassination was going to happen > AND TRUMP WOULD SURVIVE THE ATTEMPT>>> because these were White Hats military alliance operations to mimic the assassination in order to bring special operations, laws , investigation ( set up of the deep state actors inside and outside Trump's circle, INCLUDING Secrets Service, and military intelligence).There is also a larger factor to exposing the financial system, wall street and corporations that filed over 12 million documents just one day before the attempted Trump assassination to get rid of share and stock connected to Trump interests, trading and enterprises.

>This important STAGED Military Game Theory operations assassination GAME is directed at the GLOBALIST/CIA/[DS] controlled government ._CURRENTLY Trump, Lawyers, Associates and known military Generals and admiralsare trying to get open over U.S.military protection for Donald J. Trump. And areEngaging the government and letting them know they lost confidence in the secret service >>>> Trump wants protection from special operations command and special forces<__NOW White hats are preparing to get the U.S. Citizens to activate Article 2 section 1 claus 2 Authority which gives their State Legislators and state representatives Power to vote in the President of the United States(>Republican party has 274 majority electoral votes which would confirm Trump)__This special voting activated by the U.S. citizens would bypass Dominion machines ,illegal immigrat voting , digital fraud and foreign interference fraud<This voting would take place live on national TV. All Social media platforms..a live voting.☝️ This is why the deep state want to cut the power off and blame Russia and shut down the Internet >Internet KILLSWITCHthat's why they are doing BETA TEST GLOBALLY with MICROSOFT and shutting down systems. ( Banks flights shutting down computers)>But USSF . SPACE X. STARLINK HAVE DIFFERENT OPERATIONS IN PLACE ///___THE GAME THEORY OPERATIONS ARE VITAL TO EXPOSING A MILITARY COUP.THE FAKE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT WAS A SET UP TO EXPOSE THE U.S GOVERNMENT, {now you have several investigations coming through Senate Congress and several agencies)////



( the deep state is doing this coup to stop the exposure of Zero point energy. Tesla energy/infinite energy..... Their five Hundred trillion dollar operations of world control will be lost and the GLOBALIST/Rockefellers/Rothschilds etc ECT ECT etc etc Will lose their power over humanity and human trafficking sex pedophilia operations and war mongering ops to control nations<<<_______>Think rationally.>The deep state operations for centuries created the illuminati in 1776 in South Germany and took over governments slowly? .... And nobody knew>[They] [ Rothschilds+Rockefellers ] both of Southern Germany created world war one and world war 2 .. with United States jp Morgan and Prescott Bush funding Hitler to power ?..... And nobody knew>>From 911 inside job of creating the most dangerous black hats operations [ PATRIOT ACT] to control adversaries in the United States ( politician. Military and elites) ((((( the Patriot Act gave the power cia fbi . Deep state intelligence to place pedophilia photos and films inside of good politicians, good military and good elites computers and phones and frame them< the initial design of the Patriot Act was to steal data from computes phones and servers.. But the opposite operations of installing BLACKMAIL FILMS AND PHOTOS AND FAKE MONEY LAUNDERING RINGS into white hats operators personal computer and phones shocked the good military. Politicians. And elites/////) ..>>The creation of the virus!> The creation of the PLANDEMIC AND DEATH VACCINES AND WORLD LOCKDOWNS<

☝️ these planned placed EVENTS with millions of people involved, seemed like a conspiracy and could not have been carried out by military operations..... But they were<

Do you really think military operations good or bad could not STAGE an assassination Attempt? ..... or a STAGED SURVIVAL ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT?____What advanced technology exist?



Behind the scenes>]; BEFORE the assassination attempt the Military had enough REAL evidence from the NATO gathering and CIA FBI captured ops that a Trunp assassination was coming ( hence DOUBLE INSIDE ]] OPERATIONS [[ ) .These gave open operations to initiate REPRISAL> OPERATIONS;> Hours after TRUMP assassination happened. White hats attacked the IT systems and AT&T and again under ground super computers ...... These events were connected to military operations that headed into five lakes deep state military facilities where the REAL JB was captured and killed!>>> HIS BODY WAS SENT TO LAS VEGAS through Maglev and upon arriving he was dead.. Several sources including the police confirm his death in reports leaked.( This is the real reason Joe Biden is dead was Trending on Monday)>>>>by Tuesday morning a cover up began and deep state was in PANIC//// .... NOW they have again placed a fake masked Joe Biden..... But his real death WILL soon be revealed and they are planning his funeral...... ( Nobody truly knows what the deep state will do with the fake Biden.... But white hats are pushing the black hats to bring the reign of the fake Biden to an END<)>>The real body of Biden being delivered to SIN CITY ( las Vegas) is military COMMS>that MILITARY> REPRISAL; OPERATIONS ARE BEGINNING and is a clear warning to the deep state GLOBALIST they are in the line of fire and retribution REPRISAL OPERATIONS<BEHIND THE SCENES>] Trump + military controlled hats inside the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE has initiated operations against Clintons. CIA deep state sex operation rings connected to the largest housing provider for migrant children who have been sex trafficked and sexual abused through United States biggest program the Southwest Keys.


>>The leader of Southwest keys Victor R. Garza was once honored by the Clinton's and lifted a flag for him on Cinco de Maya( Day of death).Victor R. Garza contacts run deep into intelligence and DC circles and State Powers.>>How did he die just s few weeks before military operations initiated REPRISAL OPERATIONSWhy is TRUMP+ Vivek Ramaswamy already talking about bringing down the pedo rings in public convictions and full EXPOSURE?

What are picture are the white hats painting for the democratic voters ( the sleeping ones) to wake up to MASS PEDOPHILIA SEX TRAFFICKING OPERATIONS?

>You have more than you know.

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