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  • Jim Costa

Jim’s Daily Rant. Stop Everything and Do This Today. (Recapped) [Absolute Must See]

Don’t read or watch anything else until you have watched this:

2 Hour Video

Much Earlier: They discovered one state had all its bonds under one state bond. After FOIA requests, the discovered the bond didn't exist.

44 MM: The reason all of Trumps cases were refused by 27 courts were because of the way they were presented by Trump's attorneys. First the court had to prove they had jurisdiction (bonds). Because they didn't have legal jurisdiction, they their declined the case because Trump didn't have standing in the illegal courts.     

47 MM Now we walk in under "Acceptance" in that we accept that we have power over them and demand they identify themselves. That is when they run.

50 MM We need to leave the voter fraud attack because it's their game. We now need to just move them all out of office with the paperwork.

52 MM They own the public buildings.

55 MM How public servants can protect themselves from Crimes Against Humanity charges.

84 MM Kevin's case history; not wearing a mask.

88 MM We need a year of studying Common law to get rid of all of them.

91 MM Trump showed us how to do the paperwork. Showed us how to negotiate with them.              We need to show the Military we are ready to take control.

95 MM We can work comfortably now that the military is with us.

MM How do we finish this job?

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