A few days ago I Posted this podcast SG Anon: Major Intel - August Surprise & New Shock Event - Blackouts Imminent! (32 Minute Video).
It was about panic of De Jure Grand Jury members being threatened and chased off from their jury assembling and acting. It was scary and ominous. What the Republic for the United States is doing will require local county assemblies to meet as well. Will we get the same reaction from Law Enforcement?
After further investigation this is what I found out: Oops, it is a false start! The persons creating those Grand Juries made a mistake in their research on how to do it. Be aware that one of those jurys has not been called and opened in 160 years. We have been dumbed down of how to do it properly. That sponsoring group went too far back in time to learn how to do it legally, and what they did was indeed illegal.
The Republic of the United states is going back to the last State Constitutions in the various states Constitutions, but only going back to the latest Constitution prior to the Civil War.
The group SGAnon referred to went back in time too far back. They went back before our Constitution of 1786. Prior to that and during the American Revolution, we were under the Confederation of States, the precursor of our Constitution.
The Confederation relied on local assembles, but those assembles had too much power, making them a Dictatorship in itself. A 12 Man De Jure Grand Jury could fire the Governor if he didn’t do what the Grand Jury expected of him. Thus the Grand jury of the Confederation period had more power than all the people of the land who voted in a Governor.
When the Colonys realized this mistake in their Confederation, they then wrote the Constitution to correct their error. In the Constitution, a Grand Jury cannot do some of the things the Groups in question are doing under the model prescribed by the Federation. Thus they used a cook book too old to teach them how to cook.
Be Leary of any group known as Nation States or lead by Joe Belton from Michigan who is pushing Nation-States.