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Jim’s Daily Rant. Pin Pulling On The God Grenade.

Jim Costa

This is a follow-up on Clif High’s post yesterday, Getting Dybbuked can ruin your day. He said in a programmers’ language that his year long prediction that many religions will began to question our history of god from the Old testament.

He had said it would originally begin in February, 2024 which it did, and would explode around this upcoming election. His podcast above narrows it down to within “Two Weeks”. So just what is going to happen in two weeks, one might ask.

Let’s start with February. A secret tunnel was found between two buildings owned by an old Jewish Synagogue in Brooklyn, I believe. It connected the church with another building owned by the church. It was accidentally opened up and is purported to have evidence of child sacrifices made by the senior priests of the synagogue, known as the Chabad. It is said they believe in the Old Testament command to offer a child as a sacrifice to god for atonement of their sins.

Clif’s research has convinced him that an alien Race visited earth thousands of years ago and enslaved humans for their purpose. He says the ancient parts of the Old Testament used an early Greek language with few words in it and to those writers the aliens were gods. After several translations, the Old testament was used perhaps to continue the mistake in order to control humanity. In this period we are all in now, this secret is coming out and will cause some religions dependent on the Old Testament to question their faith. This will throw the world into a mighty stressful situation already stressed out.

My fear is as the old world control system collapses and we raise up our Republics, this will cause a society of Babble where we cannot talk to each other, just when we need to be logically communicating as we create our new world based on truths. All I can say is god help us when this God Grenade goes off!

See my Introduction of Clif High.

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