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Jim’s Daily Rant. Oops! I may Have Been Sold Out.

Jim Costa

This morning I discovered that I apparently have been sold out on my projections that Trump may snub the Deep State by not attending the Inaugaration this Monday.

Yesterday we saw that Trump announced the end to the IRS as of this Monday. We saw what appears to be a No Show at the Inaugaration from Big Mike Obama and then from Trump's VP, JD Vance.

Yesterday Pfizer CEO Admits on CNBC That COVID Jabs ‘Are Quite Dangerous’. That was legal suicide for Pfizer.

Then again yesterday we see House Passes Bill Banning Transgender Athletes (Bio Males) From Competing in Girl’s Sports at Schools That Receive Federal.  The Democratic controlled House actually voted 218 in passing that bill.

My question is what did Trump concede to get all the above? My guess he sold out Little Ole Jim Costa and agreed to be inaugurated, buying another month for the Deep State to get outta Dodge.

Stay tuned Sports Fans.

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