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Jim’s Daily Rant. Now A State has Given Itself The Right Of Annulment.

Jim Costa

Today’s podcast, Utah’s “Sovereignty Act” now allows state to ignore, overrule unconstitutional federal actions., is my first learning that Utah did this two months ago. I am happy and sad to see it however.

I am both happy and unhappy because I see law in our country being pulled apart forcing an end to lawlessness soon.

I am reminded of the severe penalty sailors of square sailed ships faced when exploring the South Seas. The severe lashings were probably called for, but you decide. The two problems were the women of the islands had a different outlook on sex before the preachers arrived with their “Missionary Position” only. The other problem was there was no metal there. If a sailor was to remove a “valuable” metal spike holding the ship together, they were sure to get lucky. Thus these sailors were placing the entire crew in jeopardy out of lust and greed.

Is Utah doing the same thing to retain its sovereignty and power of their politicians? If the State Legislator has the power to nullify a Federal law as unconstitutional, what about the job of its own Supreme Court and it’s own State Constitution. Might they be cut out of the loop here?

What about the citizens of Utah. Consider that they already have the Juror’s Right to Nullify, as all US citizens have. This right goes back to English law of 1066 when the King lost court power to a newly created Parliament system to create laws. If any one juror was to hear a case that involved a law that the juror felt was the outside of the state or federal Constitutions, he could nullify the law and end the case immediately.

But in reality, Utah officials know of this Juror's right that has been hidden from us over the years. They probably prefer that we never know of it, thus they now need to give it to themselves.

Where I am going with all of this reflects the desperation of the situation. At one time we had a somewhat perfect blueprint for our governments, like the sailing ship design with spikes.

But now we can’t tell the people they were intentional dumbded down and now that we need those enlightened jurors they are not here. So rather than admit the original lie, a bigger lie is created saying that the politicians need the Jurors’ right. We are convoluting the law making it more unlawful.

And thus it is, with each lie we remove another spike to eventually sink our own ship in a strong sea on our voyage.


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