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Jim’s Daily Rant. How Many Slaves Do You Currently Own?

Jim Costa

A few days ago I posted a Rant titled Given A 30 Day Notice, Can Our World Instantly Become The World Jesus & Buddha Described?  It was about the Quantum Financial System and block chain Crypto technology turning the world into a Truth Only venue. Of course, this would change the world drastically.

What else might drastically change our world? I read once that because of gasoline and electricity we now have the equivalent of 3 to 6 slaves doing work for us. Well, you know me, always head diving up my ass, I tried to calculate it in my mind.

What I saw, besides a world of shit, was we have to pay for electricity, so we work a job for it to wash our clothes. If a slave was involved, somehow it was still us doing the laundry. So I didn’t really own any slaves – they were me. I just couldn’t see it.

Well, if we continue along that line of thinking, what difference of slave owning comes from a Truth Only Venue? I can’t calculate it but humans lie for one reason only – to enslave another and take advantage of them. We enslaved the Arabs when we first set a price on their worthless oil for a very low price. Then as they discovered the screwing they got, the prices began to rise to today's costs. So the Arabs began our gasoline slavery by becoming slaves themselves. Did you follow that?

So somehow we have all been enslaved by a world of lies as well. So I guess we can make the case that a world absent lies may be a world absent slaves, right? But of course we will still be slaving at a job to purchase gasoline so not all slavery will end.

BUUUT . .. . . What if free energy does indeed materialize out of a truth only world. We would all have free energy to dry our clothes, power our vehicles, cool & warm our homes, grow our food, all without a 45 hour job. So now how many slaves will you own or be?

Very soon we will not have to imagine a world of no slavery. We are almost there folks.

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