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Jim’s Daily Rant. Honky Chateau.

Jim Costa

Today feels like Moon Day, that day man landed on the moon (?) There is no need to try to print the news because no on is interested.

After the story of the Arizona politicians being owned and operated by a Mexican drug cartel what else matters? It will be a few days before the Alternative media writes about it so I am on vacation.

I spent a couple hours outside getting my free Vitamin D adding to Betty’s Honky lake in front of her Honky Chateau. I am not a gardener but absolutely love being her sex slave – anything to just please her.

She has had a pulled back muscle the past five days and is frustrated because she can’t get outside to her gardens around her new double-wide. So at least she got to sit on the porch rocking and watching me sweat. Somehow that seemed to give her great pleasure.

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