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Jim’s Daily Rant. Gopher – Part II: Where We Are Going.

Jim Costa

This is both a continuation of where I come from as well as we, as a society and economy, are going after the Collapse. So hang in here with me. I‘ll give you a hint. When I read Robert Townshend’s book, Up The Organization (1970), it had a profound change on the way I viewed our world. He hooked me with one simple statement. “If you think your business is running perfectly, you haven’t looked at it lately.”

He then proceeded to tell about a town near England’s Dover cliffs that paid a watchman to use a spyglass and look for Napoleon attacking England by water. He was to then ring the city warning bell. That job and salary, still being paid out, was finally abolished in the 1960s. Napoleon never showed even after his death in 1821.

I left the bank after 4 years then worked as a CPA for 4 years. Then I returned to my roots, doing the work I learned at City Hall. When I worked for the utility department, I was allowed to take a a University course two mornings a week. I took a COBOL class, a compiled English-like computer programming language designed for business use. It was run on IBM and Burroughs $200,000 main frame computers.

The City was hand typing monthly utility bills. We were going to transition to a computerized system and they had no one on the payroll that understood systems. I was preparing to assist in converting the records so the machine could use them. I did this while still working outside. After the new system was up and running smoothly I got bored.

When I left CPA work I became controller of several companies wishing to convert manual accounting to the new Midi ($100,000) computers and then later to desktops ($300). After I became a Paralegal I stayed longer because after computerizing them I made them legally safe for business in every way I could. I also analyzed their business model to make it better and more profitable. Once I was done I looked for another company.

Analyzing the business was really fun. I would ask hundreds questions as to why people did things. I knew I hit profit when I heard “because” as to why. Usually that was either redundant or a wasted motion as a legacy. We were once bidding on a DOD contract to staff a laundry facility on a military base. When I asked for monthly numbers of parts of uniforms cleaned I was told there were no such records. So we had to extrapolate.

When we got the contract I brought it up and asked my stupid questions. I found two ladies using hand clicking counters to add up the daily uniform parts count each day. They said they gave them to the Army. When I asked the Army they said they took them and immediately put them in file cabinets. They had no requirements or use for them. One of the counters was moved into another position. My, how we get lulled into doing stupid things just because.

From the very beginning I wrote spreadsheet like programs when there was no spreadsheet software like Exel written. When those software packages became available I wrote software that ran some of those spreadsheets automatically during the night. They would make phone calls to other branches, exchange data, run business analysis and print the reports. By 8:30 each morning my analysis work was done so now I was free the rest of the day to look for more income streams for the business. This was the power of the electronic age coming in.

This is where we are today. We are now running a manual system economy in an electronic age. Yet we haven’t made many changes to adjust to this. The reason is the Banksters must be fed more and more each year.

Why are we still working 40 hours per week and still starving? I suggest that the Banksters planned it that way and we are doing it “just because”.

I told you recently about the the movie Made In Dagenham telling about a 1968 Ford plant in England in which the women struck for, and received, equal pay as men. Within a year all Western countries enacted similar equal pay legislation. This was not just a coincidence. It was done by the Banksters because their interest/money printing system was nearing collapse as it is today. By now making it possible for both parents to work, the family lost track of inflation eating their lunches. This is why the entire family is trapped again but this time the only expansion room is to work 60 hours per week.

When this failing system collapses we get to recreate our lives, both social and economic. Perhaps we can now have one primary parent working 25 hours per week at twice the pay. This then allows both parents to devote themselves to their family (both old and young) and community. This allows them to find their “Self Actualization”; explore and create their lives to their personal gratification.

I like that . . . we can create our lives to our personal satisfaction and gratification! Isn’t that better than being trapped in a toll booth 40 hours a week collecting quarters, just because?

This is our chance to deliberately create it right.

P.S. Be sure to watch all the trailers above; they are all great segments of the story.

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