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Jim’s Daily Rant. Getting Killed Twice In The Sting.

Jim Costa

Remember the 1973 Movie The Sting with Robert Redford and Paul Neuman? That is where a local group of street- cons decide to con a mobster out of his half a million dollars.

The movie ended with the Mark fleeing the murder scene “in his own best interest”, abandoning forever his half Million dollars. In effect, the street cons frightened him so bad that he ran and would never look back. How and why did they do this – kill him twice?

They killed the Mark the first time when he was trained to bet each bet on a particular horse to “Win”. On the day of the big bet, he was told to “Place it all on the 4th horse”. After the race started he realized “To Place” meant that a horse would not win but would be one of the top of the pack. He was in panic because he (was unknowingly tricked into) screwing up.

The second time he was killed is when he saw his two Contacts / Partners in crime kill each other.

Thus he willingly fled the scene because he thought he royally screwed-up and there was no way he could ever get even with anybody involved. He was the blame and it was impossible to undue it.


I believe we are about to see a double killing of the Corporate government for the same reason.First Trump will declare to the whole world that our current Corporate government is a fraud, a De Facto government conned onto us like a Ponzi scheme. He will show us they are bankrupt and follow it at your own risk. Then he may introduce the Re-Inhabited Republics. This will be the first killing that day.

The second killing will be the playing card of the Brunson Brothers’ case in the De Facto Supreme Court. If the Corporate government tries to fight back to retain its confidence from the public, they will know the Brunson case will be adjudicated and then destroy them after they just barely survived. The odds of surviving both deaths is impossible. It is forever game over so why try?

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