I was totally blown away with the Derick Johnson interview last night. I went to bed analyzing every word he spoke, his mannerisms, his personality, body language and delivery.
When I woke up I had one problem remaining, and that was comparing his delivery to the compass I rely on, Clif High. In my mind Clif downplays Gitmo whereas Johnson says there are a lot of leaders locked up there waiting trial. He says trials will begin in 2023.
So here they are in lockstep but both needles pointing in different directions regarding Gitmo. So I went back thru everything High has said about Gitmo and realized all he has ever said is no leaders have been executed there. VWALA! The two are in agreement with each other.
Johnson is the real thing, brought out on the stage at the right moment in the play.
Relax and enjoy the show folks!
See: NINOS CORNER & Derek Johnson - THIS IS A MILITARY STING OPERATION. [Absolute Must See!!!]