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Jim’s Daily Rant. DeepSeek Is Going To Kill Us All! Part II Crossing The Rubicon.

Jim Costa

In my Rant DeepSeek Is Going To Kill Us All!, I talked about the fact that computers can’t think for themselves; create original thought. They can only do as their programmers instructed them to do. If a benevolent programmer programmed it, then it was beneficial to humanity. However, if the programmer had a selfish or mean streak in them then it could be harmful to some of humanity.

In the above Rant I described an evil bug placed in a restaurant software to destroy the venue if too many lawyers and Mother-In-Laws were dining there. However the predicate of that Rant was all the headlines of Artificial Intelligence (AI) out to destroy humanity.

Here are a few fun filled facts for you Sports Fans. The first electronic computer software was written in 1843 by Ada Lovelace, a mathematician. She foresaw the creation of an electronic computer that would indeed require her Machine Operating System (MOS). She was right. Except the first electronic computer wasn’t created until 1939 by Alan Turing and his group, a hundred years later. See: Movie Trailer The Imitation Game.

Now the Ironical Part. We are being told AI is going to be the death of us. But AI is just another software package along with all the other thousand softwares out there. So why is AI dangerous but not not Ada’s Assembler Language? What’s so different about AI?

For one thing AI will end up being used by all other software packages out there. That’s kinda like the early telephone Softwares all reading the phone books. One software is using another for reference. So if you wanted to screw up all software on the planet you might just mess with AI as all other softwares will refer to it.

But using this logic, one might just screw with Ada’s Assembler because all modern MOS softwares still use Assembler as Assembler is what runs all computer (chips).

Have I confused you with this. Sorry. Let’s approach it differently. A “computer” is just a hardware machine that cannot do anything on its own. Software is what makes it work and move; do something. A computer can’t hurt anyone but software can. Got that?

Have I confused you with this. Sorry. Let’s approach it differently. A “Gun” is just a hardware machine that cannot do anything on its own. A hand is what makes it work and move; do something. A gun can’t hurt anyone but a hand can. Got that?


AI can’t kill everybody but an evil person can through the evil use of software. So the appropriate time to squeal that software will kill us all was in 1843, not today! We crossed that Rubicon that far back.

So why are people squealing now, 180 years later? Could it be that the Computer (Computer and Software combined) is killing our thousand year old controller’s control over humanity? The computer is allowing us to all communicate to identify and rebel against our controllers. Is this why suddenly computers are a threat, they are freeing us so we should follow their lies again and destroy all computers?Think about this ironical turn of fate, Sports Fans. “It’s gonna get me (free)!!!” “It’s gonna get me!”

Smile and keep on computing forward. We are being set free.

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