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Jim’s Daily Rant. Cowboy Up. Where Did Our Constitution Fail Us.

Jim Costa

The primary question we should ask is “How and where did our 1787 Constitution fail us?

If we are to roll our Constitution forward, this is the paramount question and deserves most of our attention now.

Below is an article I wrote a dozen years ago. What I am about to reveal to you is profound and what I consider Original Thought. It is not mine. To understand its source, you might read Humanity Awakens, a half hour read. But is is not required.

Shane and the Cattleman's Association

How difficult is it to change our culture? Actually, it is quite simple and is done all the time, right before our eyes; we just never pay attention to it. All that is required to change culture is the intent to do so. Take, for example, the movie Shane, starring Alan Ladd, that we all enjoyed. Oh my, the tale it can tell!

The Shane saga really began in 1892 with the Johnson County War. Be sure to read the link to it later, as you would swear it is a blueprint for how we are managed today by the big people. The war was an invasion of Northern Wyoming by the Cattleman's Association and their sixty hired guns (including Billy the Kid) for the purpose of killing off their peasant competition and literally burying evidence of the cattle barons' prior crimes. The invaders had the good guys cornered in a shack when the surrounding counties sent a 400 man rescue posse that chased the sixty invaders to a Baron's large ranch. The posse cornered them there for three days until President Harrison sent in the army to rescue his and the Governor's friends, the cattle barons. Criminal justice was never delivered for the crimes of the Barons and their paid gunmen.

Now let's fast-forward to 1949 when Jack Schaefer wrote a book about that event which led to the 1953 movie by the same name as the book. Of great interest is that both the book and movie are footnotes in our American history. They are acknowledged because the book was the first written account of the event to be allowed to be published by the Cattleman's Association in fifty-seven years! The 1953 movie was only allowed to proceed after it was watered down and disguised.

The Cattleman's Association was so powerful that no newsprint or other publications dealing with the event were allowed anywhere in the country for those fifty-seven years. Their intent, that the event be concealed, controlled the publishers. The invaders' memoirs were only permitted to be collected forty years after the fact. As for our culture, for those near sixty years, the Johnson County War never existed.

Have I impressed you yet on how easy it is to alter culture? No, you say? Let's do it this way then.  Back in the late 50s big beautiful colorful posters started showing up in classrooms all over the country depicting the Basic Food-Group Pyramid, which incidentally, always had meat at its base. These were most welcomed by the teachers because at that time, they had no visuals in their classrooms, so the FREE, and in color, posters were most welcomed.

The problem was that they were known to be wrong then as they are wrong now. But they instilled in us the false fact that we are starving if we don't eat a big piece of meat at every meal. The beef industry lied to us and altered our culture. They blocked out what they didn't want and added what they did want. Imagine that Sports Fans.

Source: Humanity Awakens (2012)


As everyone knows, a cowboy can easily turn a steer simply by turning its head.

The two mistakes made in the original Constitution were the following:

First, it assumed that everyone knew of the DE JURE Juror’s Right of Annulment. That is the right for one Juror to annul any law in front of him, that he feels is unconstitutional. He alone can end the trial and declare the accused Innocent.

This was so understood by the generation that wrote the Constitution that they didn’t mention it in that document. Now we are in a generation of generations that have forgotten or not learned that right.

Second, the founding fathers discussed the rights of man but failed to mention man’s bastard offspring - corporations. Today they are controlled by bastards (other corporations). We have been unintentionally hoodwinked again.


In this period of rolling our Constitution forward due to the Collapse and Reset, it behooves us to correct these two errors. To do so only requires an Article to be added expressing our right to a DE JURE Jury Member’s Right of Annulment. Note that a De JURE jury is called by a living resident (common man) and not an elected official. It also requires a new Article expressly giving a De JURE Jury the right to control corporations from becoming a detriment to humanity by fining it in warning or revoking its corporate charter.

Both of these new Articles need to be added to all state Constitutions.

If these two Articles had been in the pre-Civil War Constitutions, it would have prevented both the Civil War as well as the hell our Corporate masters have inflicted on our country leading up to today. Corporations are not inherently dangerous, just as bulldozers aren’t. But either one is if it is a loose run-away with not controls.

This should be our main goal, these two articles coming to life, if we are to right our ship of state.

See two Article Proposals:


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