Ancient civilizations and the Old Testament called the most evil ones Fallen Angels or Satan. Is it possible that they are still on earth manipulating the world today?
Question #1:
Earthlings currently have a life expectancy of 90 years.
What is the life expectation of a Fallen Angel?
What is the life expectancy of Satan?
What might be the high end of an assortment of a particular ET races from outside of our galaxy?
Question #2:
Is it possible a highly evolved being (one) has been on earth from 1,000 to many thousands of years?
If yes, is it possible that being has been controlling humanity?
Question #3:
Is it possible that at least one of the 21 names for god in the Old Testament could refer to one of the three advanced creatures in Question #1?
Timeline for the Cuban Missile Crisis:
Prior to the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the US through NATO, placed nuclear missiles in Turkey on the border to Russia, aimed at Russia.
In the Cuban Missile Crisis Russia tried to install nuclear missiles in Cuba aimed at the US. The US negotiated the removal of them in exchange for the removal of US missiles in Turkey.
Three years ago NATO used Ukraine to threaten Russia with NATO support, NATO was attempting to bring Ukraine into NATO and position nuclear missiles on the border with Russia.
This week Russia is possibly installing nuclear weapons in Cuba again.
Question: Is this a tennis match caused by one who controls the world to keep us in eternal warfare?
What Do We Expect From “Disclosure”?
Do we expect to discover who pulled the trigger on JFK, or should we expect to learn what Clif High said in his Restatement, that our world is being held hostage by a malevolent advanced being, and that control is rapidly ending. We as a species are going through an evolution caused by the sun; not man. Thus our evolution is coming from god, not man. We only have to receive it.
P. S. It is my experience that when a Restatement is published, that is the most current information and that project is finished. In the immortal words of Porky Pig, I believe Clif is telling us "Bde . . Bde. . Bde.. But that's all Folks."