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  • Jim Costa

From Joe Wade - The FDA is now been fully weaponized to literally kill Americans.

But first, the GOOD NEWS ! The FDA is wrong on just about EVERYTHING – especially after its 4 year free BIG PHARMA advertising campaign promoting the still unapproved, ineffective COVID bioweapon shot – which has thus far killed over 17 million people (1 in every 470 persons who took the shots) globally. That’s not including those permanently disabled by the bioweapon.


Why would the FDA suddenly approve blood donations from a high-risk HIV-contaminated gay donors, while at the same time quietly be instituting policies that will eventually result in forced salt reduction mandates for processed foods?


Not only is salt an inexpensive preservatBut first, the GOOD NEWS ! The FDA is wrong on just about EVERYTHING – especially after its 4 year free BIG PHARMA advertising campaign promoting the still unapproved, ineffective COVID bioweapon shot – which has thus far killed over 17 million people (1 in every 470 persons who took the shots) globally. That’s not including those permanently disabled by the bioweapon.


Why would the FDA suddenly approve blood donations from a high-risk HIV-contaminated gay donors, while at the same time quietly be instituting policies that will eventually result in forced salt reduction mandates for processed foods?


Not only is salt an inexpensive preservative and a good source for iodine (prevents thyroid disfunction), salt reduction mandates will increase food costs across the board as manufacturers reformulate products containing more toxic “salt” alternatives – like potassium Chloride and. MSG glutamate-containing additives.


COINCIDENCE (Conspiracy) Alert:  On 4/10/23, The FDA suddenly issued a rule proposal that drastically alters regulations to allow for the use of previously unapproved salt substitutes, including (coincidently) brain-damaging glutamate-containing additives that are known to cause glutamatergic neurotransmission disorders resulting in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder & depression?

OH – surprise !

It’s also a coincidence that CNN suddenly comes out with a “MSG (Glutamate) IS GREAT” Puff Article just 4 weeks after the FDA Rule Proposal !!


Another COINCIDENCE (Conspiracy) Alert: A recent Medical Hypotheis published 11/2023 is suggesting that glutamatergic excitotoxicity exacerbates the cognitive decline (i.e. “Brain Fog“) in LONG COVID” (Euphemism for Covid  vaccine Injured) patients – who just also happened to also be vaccinated by the ineffecive COVID bioweapon shots.


So why would the FDA suddenly be attacking salt, while coincidently making a 180 degree about face regulation change on what has been considered a potential brain-toxic “salt”-alternatve (glutamate) that can exacerbate the damage done by the COVID bioweapon shots?

ANSWER: The FDA is now being weaponized to literally kill Americans



“The difference between a Conspiracy (Coincidence) ‘Theory’ & Conspiracy Fact,

            -is about 6 months”

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