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Jim Costa

From Jim - Family Affairs - Possibilities

I attempted to briefly summarize not well known, but vital family subject matters - midway through to the end.  It may not be relevant in the future, but what if it is and we don't know of or where to find this in-formation?

I have to admit - it did not quickly dawn on me that while Jim C, Jeff, me and perhaps others are likely bird-dogging somewhat similar news event threads, content and ideas- I might have assumed wrongly that everyone else was following the same threads, content people(s), etc.

I am now inclined to think that might be the go-to daily website for quick content aggregation of rather significant event flows - plus more.

Jim C. seems to have significant premonitions about future events plus dialed-in family scenario planning on his website.  Jeff, appears to be very dialed in regarding game theory.  What I am attempting to offer is actionable scenario planning that is more of a macro hedge - what would I do if a,b, or c happens.  I would love to hear Jim C's thoughts - regardless of any agreement or not. 

So, instead of simply duplicating content - I might be sharing a broader set of scenario planning considerations involving less well known hedging and family legacy structuring considerations - which is why I've been prodding (nagging) more specificity full-disclosure regarding name-property.  There is a sequential ordering to my blog posts topics.

I view most things from the lens of ever more successfully managing family affairs, both private and public affairs. I view the current family affairs macro management risk scenarios as follows:

1. Current U.S. administration remains 2024 and beyond - Globalist Central oriented.

2. Trump-like populism returns dialing back the existing incorporated quasi-american foreign "incorporated" Municipal County/State/Federal jurisdictions, but possibly initiating only a   "quasi-republic 2.0" -  public affairs - with still no significant public awareness of our mutually exclusive private family affairs.   

3. Anna Von Reitz - blow up the entire world-order and start over - Best of luck with that.

Family affairs gradient jurisdiction scenarios roughly ordered like this...

  1. Family affairs - private.  Organic including privacy within one's household.

  2. Family affairs - public within an organic townsquare

  3. Family affairs - quasi-public, non-organic - not completely private, but not Globalist Central global overreach either.

  4. Family affairs - Globalist Central overreach. International Public Only (like Star-Trek's Federation).  Research communitarianism.

All this might require jurisdiction risk posturing related to you rights, labor and property & property interest(s).  Suffice to know such it is directly affected by your relationship with any name-property, private or public, you may be using or unknowingly or not - privately, publicly (persons) or in a business.

None of these scenarios include anarchy-like crushing of existing complex societal systems, but more-so con-side-ration of a potential fuller compliment of alternative family affairs structuring - already existing, but less well known.

Keeping it simple - you may organize your family affairs: rights, labor, property and property inI attempted to briefly summarize not well known, but vital family subject matters - midway through to the end.  It may not be relevant in the future, but what if it is and we don't know of or where to find this in-formation?

So, instead of being only inclined to follow current-event based game-theory highlights - seemingly wise and prescient.  Perhaps,take a bit of time and learn alternatives on how to alternatively comprehend and manage your family affairs, wealth, more favorably.

You might find more clarity at [possibly] as well as any other resources you find valuable.  Some of them are high-quality and affordable.  I have no compensatory affiliation with any of them.  Use your discretion - not mine. I am not advising anyone - merely sharing possibilities -  possible vs. impossible.

Lastly, it is forecast by arguably the most accurate international computational A.I. developed (way back in the 80's) and as followed by many countries, central banks, institutional investors, etc. -  this international reset will not complete until around 2032 when the reserve currency of the world finally moves from America to China. 

See daily blog for an an additional interesting roadside views.  This is not the end of the world - but the beginnings of another (follow clif high) on X.  Just like in the 80's, the personal computing and floppy disc drives, but with more constipation and ghost stories for good measure :-)

Relax, the ride may be longer than you anticipated.

Additionally, the computer "socrates" forcasts that any form of US Republic (a republican form of government vs. falsely assumed - a place) voluntarily ceases to exist by 2032, but a large potential landslide win for Trump, baring any outlier events, in 2024.

Not my opinion - "Socrates" has been eerily accurate - to date.  Another temporal maker option of sorts. 

All my best,

Jim B

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