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From Jeff - Why Is Soros Funding The Pro Palestine Protesters?

Jim Costa

Divide and Conquer - Pick a side, any side...chaos by any means.  My advice - stay out of the way, don't add to their chaos and give them an excuse to jail you then drag you into THEIR kangaroo court.

Shadow of Ezra on X: [

Did everyone fall for the psychological operation yet?

America is gradually transitioning into a police state. Currently, many people are supportive because it mainly targets protesters they disagree with.

However, this trend poses a threat to everyone's right to protest, including future issues like upcoming elections, although many are unaware of it.

Those who dissent may soon be labeled as domestic terrorists, especially when protesting against perceived injustices like a stolen election.

Media and authorities will portray them as threats to the nation's stability, leading to harsher crackdowns by law enforcement and mass arrests.

Even peaceful protesters, who usually form the majority, could face severe consequences, spending years in isolation in prisons after being convicted by courts.

George Soros is an agent of Israel.

He's funding the Pro Palestine protests.

They just want people to pick a side, they don't care as long as you pick one.

The goal is to create a clash of civilizations and destroy the Constitution.

Do you understand yet? ]

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