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From Jeff - Weather Modification?

Jim Costa

Another turning point for the normies.  Big news is now normalizing weather modification.  The video clip highlights both aircraft and ground based cloud seeding emitters.  Conspiracy theory no more.

Attached radar screenshot from May 10 shows the storm that took out power at resetus last week.  It appears as if a stationary emitter in Louisiana, possibly one or more of the many chemical plants in the area, spewed for the entire time the main storm system traveled East to the Atlantic.  The thin East-West line of storm activity remained almost stationary while increasing in length as the main storm moved East for some 6 or more hours.

I thought resetus might find this interesting.  The storm passed over my head as well.  The basic cloud trail pattern emanating from Louisiana is fairly common but this is the longest I've seen.

Response I thought this earl this morning as well. The storm last week that took out our power for three days began Thursday. This Thursday we got the same weather warnings of 80 MPH winds again, tornado warning etc. At 8:00 AM we lost power for another hour due to the storm.

Last weeks storm sent a giant wind 90 MPH across the entire top 1/3 of Santa Rosa County. To me, that's not normal.

Our county is the second yellow box on the left in the picture below. Thanks Jeff.

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