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  • Jim Costa

From Jeff - Tit for Tat Update

At the end of "Tit for Tat..." I forgot to add the usual,

"We are watching a movie..."

The reference to fake Trump in NY should have been a clue.  I left out reports of specific attacks by Israel as credible reports of serious damage were lacking at the time.  In retrospect we now have some hints of special effects being employed in the latest Middle East movie scene:

BREAKING: Footage near military base in Isfahan, Iran, suggests that the purported Israeli air strikes may be a "wag the dog" scenario.

We are watching a diabolical reality show designed to keep everyone on edge especially the remaining Cabal minions.  As tit for tat scenarios stir the pot the activities of various rats and swamp critters scurrying about can be detected and measured to allow for counter move planning as we creep toward The Precipice.

America and the west will likely stay out of the center stage fracas in the Middle East (Abraham Accords).  Russia is publicly backing Iran. Perhaps the Israeli leadership will realize they are isolated and surrounded and will capitulate as they run out of ammo including funding for dirty tricks.  In any case the world needs an acceptable narrative for the his-story books as we will not likely get the backstage scoop from "official" sources for a very long time.  "In the end the decision to know will be yours. You have been warned."  [more text and pic]


SGAnon has publicized this Twitter/X channel which is almost a one stop shop for newly awakening normies if there ever was such a thing.  All sorts of esoteric topics are posted but sadly it promotes Flat Earth...

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