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From Jeff - Synchronicity: Pfizer CEO Admits...

Jim Costa

Thorough readers of the blog might remember my comments about the legal satire on RRN just a week ago, "I have only noticed ONE deleted RRN post suggesting there was a mistake without an explanation."  That deleted post was about Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla and the reason for deletion now appears to be in play.

RRN on Telegram announced a new article on their main website back in 2023:   [still there]

This is the main website link - read it but no need to click it.

The article is GONE!  "Ooops... Error 404 Sorry, but the page you are looking for doesn't exist."  I think we know why - Bourla flipped and is now on the movie set with a bracelet on his ankle and a script in hand. Imagine the Pfizer secrets he is revealing!

Thank You RRN.  Been a while so it's time I sent a few more FRNs.

Timber, you going down...

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