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From Jeff - SGAnon File 75 - May 26 and Other Stuff.

Jim Costa

I slept thru most of this but SG has found some pretty serious documents and info to summarize for us.

Minor events are building up but no indication of imminent hard and instant crash other than edge of the seat hopium from the fringe.  Just gotta wait and see.  WHs are managing things from simmer on up to avoid a boil over.  These below are not necessarily from SG but might have been mentioned while I was snoring...

Ban on CBDCs passed the house.

G&S as money reintroduced in Congress.

Talk of ending the FED - not sure if a bill is active.

Lots of recent alt-news attention on the 500,000 sealed indictments.

Other stuff:

Push and call for vigilantes - Track and Trace?  By who? (Ivan Raitlan)

If vaccinated, you are the tracking device...Luciferase.

[I have noticed new ultra-violet streetlights here and there.]

BREAKING (May 23): President Trump says he does not see Joe Biden running for the 2024 presidency come November.  “I doubt he will even be running frankly, I just can’t even imagine it.”  [2 cents we have an election this fall but maybe not what we'd call normal.]

Sun Tzu - Win the battle before it starts.  Looking like any mass arrests of public figures will be their doubles or clones.  Actual mass arrests will likely be mid-level and minions.  Election 2024 likely won before it happens.

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