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Jim Costa

From Jeff - Saudi Contract Expiring and More...

Expiration of the Saudi petro for dollars and protection contract is gaining traction with more posts popping up.  Document shown in this post says it began June 9, 1974, and remained in effect for 5 years subject to revision or extension with 180 days notice required for termination.

The US Debt Clock briefly showed the US debt at ZERO but is now back to normal.

The previous unusual negative dollar supply on the Debt Clock is now positive.  The once blank dollar to metal ratios are now filled in.

This post says a new blockchain stock exchange is being formed in Dallas.  Texas already has their state owned Precious Metals Depository up and running in Austin.  I have a normie friend sleeping just down the road from that depository but I can't convince them to get an account and fill it up.  Video (I can't play it) and link to Reuters article.

White House Riot fences going up.  Gaza protest incoming.  Includes link to YouTube:

Not sure what to think about Alex Jones.  He seems to be controlled opposition.  The DS arranged for him to lose various lawsuits to get his money.  Are his assets really being confiscated by the WHs???  Not all of the dirt in this movie is going to come out in the wash.

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