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  • Jim Costa

From Jeff - Release The Date Predictions?

We have been trained to ignore dates and focus on an event driven schedule. As significant events accelerate and become more openly visible it seems date predictions are beginning to become at least a bit relevant with event timelines converging on 2023/24.

====== Milley - Past Tense Example ======

Months Ago - General Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), announced he would step down in late Sep 2023 and he did just that.

Sep 22 - Trump states that Milley should go to Gitmo.

Sep 25 - A 17-ish channel posts that Milley was arrested then deletes after Real Raw News publishes a more comprehensive arrest report.

===== Brandon - Future Tense Prediction? =======

In the last few days Trump said that in less than 5 months Brandon will be defeated. Five months takes us to Feb 2024. Is this just in time to arrange a Mar 4 (2024) inauguration as written in the original Constitution?

Snippy: Will Trump defeat Biden in "less than 5 months"?


Meanwhile, it is possible that McCarthy could vacate the House Speaker seat which is not specifically restricted to elected House members. Matt Gaetz seems to be greasing the skids for this scenario. Oh the possibilities...what a movie script!

Remember that in 2021 Michael Shrimpton predicted that as a private citizen Trump could take the House Speaker seat on his way back to the White House in 2023. Trump did announce a "pause" in his schedule so maybe in 2024 is rescheduled. Tore Says also predicted a Mar 4 return for Trump back in 2021.


[6 min clip from Kerry Cassidy interview]

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