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From Jeff - Re: Britt Busted for Fake Response to Fake SOTU on Fake Fox News.

Jim Costa

What's the problem?  IT'S ALL FAKE!  Why waste time on the MSM? Apparently even Fox's Megyn Kelly is fake (double).  She looks great but has been acting a bit differently.  Trump seals it up IMO: "Megyn Kelly - May She Rest in Peace - She only Pretends to Like Me":

I generally don't bother watching long speeches and presentations like SOTU on Fake News TV.  Why bother?  I save time by letting the specialist news hounds clip out the best in little segments.  MJTruth's posts on Rumble are mostly less than 3 minutes.  He does post Trump's full speeches.

The last long political presentation I watched on TV was the 2020 Trump-Brandon debate.  I immediately noticed something wrong with Biden.  He been gone long time.  Brandon Fake.  All the time.  Don't waste time on TV type news.

Here is another - Forbes Breaking News:  Speaker Johnson Speaks To Reporters After White House Meeting With Biden, Schumer:

Fake White House - note large building directly next door.

Fake Biden - gone long time.

Fake Schumer - probably gone.

Fake Johnson - probably gone or a puppet.

On the other hand it does look like the WHs are taking control of the MSM little by little.  CNN moved out of their Atlanta headquarters.  A recent post suggested CNN was about to go bust.  Patience...

I do think we will attempt an election of some sort this fall.  Get rid of the voting machines and we could possibly have a real election unless the Blue Beam Aliens try to break it up.  Linked below are recent and past "Dominion" posts - scroll up!  Eventually the Dominion log jam will break or perhaps the military will step in.

Confetti Cannons are blasting away at the front lines but could take a while to break through to the back offices.  Meanwhile this RRN post gives hope that the WHs are blasting away behind the curtain.

RRN: Special Forces Destroy DEW Plane:

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