'Bout time you obtained enough altitude to see the bigger landscape. Vril stuff was revealed by Donald Marshall about 10 or 15 years ago. Laura Eisenhower's reveals are not new either but her recently posted interview(s) are the first I've heard where she covers such vast territory all at once. She went through a quiet period recently and was probably putting time into her new book. Reports of Operation Highjump are old as well. Wake up folks!
Admiral Byrd secret diary Operation High Jump hollow earth
Remember to keep your 80/20 discernment shields up. Better yet, choose your own percentage split. From the better truther channels expect maybe 80% good info and 20% not so good. Everyone makes mistakes or gets misled. Even the good guys like Q are misleading so the bad guys can't just read The Plan in plain sight. Reverse percentages for fake news channels.
The Vril Society was/is an esoteric but German secret society from the WW1 and WW2 era that was focused on channeling info from ETs and such. The Vril lizzies are a much different topic but perhaps connected somehow. Laura's info may be tainted by the Blue Chicken Cult.
Those who want to know more about the lizzies should research Donald Marshall. His info is easy to find and is reposted all over the place.
Kerry Cassidy chimed in on both the Vril and Laura's info. Start at the link and scroll up.
Nino thinks the NAZIs are using the USA as their puppets. I agree and have written several times before, the NAZIs didn't lose WW2, they called time out and relocated out of Germany. Project Paperclip...
In the big picture I believe our current battle is Good versus Evil with both being puppets to The King/Queen in or under Antarctica or a similar bugout. Divide. Support both sides. Conquer. Duality. After the Great Cataclysm, biblical flood, or whatever, the remaining Atlanteans that did not get off planet went underground and were left with the knowledge of unbelievable old technology but zero manufacturing capability. It has taken them some 12,000 years for them to slowly nurture humanity into slaves capable of reproducing and possibly improving their old tech. They cannot afford for earthlings to wage Mutually Assured Destruction in a widespread nuclear war because they could lose that high tech MIC manufacturing base. Soon robots (and/or Grays) will be capable of replacing humans, thus the depop and gene editing agendas. In the end The King/Queen will rule planet Earth and possibly the solar system as a spacefaring member of the Galactic Club. That's my quickie summary and I will change it as info comes out. What's yours?
Meanwhile, what and effin movie!