It's pretty obvious that the DS is trying their best to stop, delay, or otherwise obfuscate Trump any way they can. The House couldn't delay the Speaker selection so Trump must be holding the Brunson Card over their heads. Will the Electoral vote counting pass quickly on Monday? I believe so. There's not much the Dims can legitimately whine about after Trump won both the popular and Electoral vote by a long shot. What about the Inauguration on the 20th?
The Brunson Card threat may be useless by then.
BREAKING: A major snowstorm in Washington, D.C., could disrupt the certification of the 2024 election tomorrow, as most members of Congress left for the weekend despite being advised to stay.
Outside of Congress DS operators are not affected by the Brunson Card. So far the only significant chaos has been limited FF terrorist attacks. Will these ramp up to a big 9/11 style event? Perhaps it will be part of the worldwide 34 Satanic buildings scenario. And what about finalizing Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan? What about the financial hiccups that most are expecting? Cancelling the FRN is about the only way of quickly breaking the will of autonomous DS operators (think sleeper cells, etc) that have both warehouses of cash and slush fund accounts. Not many operators will be risking their lives for worthless fiat.
In hindsight everything about The Reset has been delayed and stretched out as long as possible. If things happen too fast the sleeping public cannot digest and learn from it. The 7-year Q-Drop Deltas suggest this has been The Plan all along. Anons and Truthers are expecting too much chaos to fit between now and Jan 20. Trump has promised a big birthday bash for July 4, 2026, so at least we have an end date of sorts.
Trump is planning a Popcorn Rally on Jan 19th before his expected Inauguration on the 20th. Why? DC will likely be filled with around a million MAGA visitors. Maybe he knows his Inauguration is not happening on the 20th and he wants to give the huge crowd some sort of party for their traveling troubles and expenses.
We've been told The Republic is coming back. Maybe Trump's inauguration will be in early March where it's supposed to be? Just enough time for The Storm to reach peak chaos with Brandon or a substitute still in the hot seat.