American Patriot
Questions. The Brunson Case, no matter what direction it goes, and it’s outcome will have zero affect on this country’s outcome. We already know who controls it. The military has more than enough evidence on the SC as well as every organization, entity and individual to trial and convict all. Make no mistake. Do you expect the SC to implicate itself or anyone else? Logic. The military can and will activate at its own time and choosing. These actions by the SC just solidifies it’s own destruction and will be remembered throughout history as doing such. You are living through history to be written and not forgotten. It gets to a point where everything done is a slap in the face. And this has been the point of it all. Put things into perspective. And stay strong.
American Patriot
Forget about the Brunson Case from this day forward Patriots. Permanently let it go and manifest it’s removal. I have my own confirmation. Any entity that makes money on the side for such a cause tells you everything, The Cabal of SCOTUS. America salutes you.
Congress and A25 is the last civil line of defense. If not, it's up to the military...